Monday-Sunday, 2-8 July 2018

Monday, 2 July 2018

Elder Wallace went to Costco with Elder Ernstom.

Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Elder Agiare, one of three AP, welcomed everyone to the New London Mission.  It is a start of a new London Mission even with a history from back to Heber C Kimball which was one of the first mission presidents here.  Know wonder we are in England!  Spent better part of the day fixing trays of grapes and setting up for lunch.  Elder Wallace and I did stay for most of the meeting to hear President Checketts and his wife speak.  Very impressive and very inspired!  Our mission theme is "We Follow Christ" which is simple and yet profound.

Subway sandwiches and cookies from Subway were delivered in trays ready to serve to the missionaries.  We also served grapes and peelers (small oranges) with chips and water. 

Wednesday 4 July 2018

Repeat of Tuesday.

Elder Wallace to Costco again.

Thursday, 5 July 2018

Last day of 'Meet the President'.  Repeat of the last two day.  Everyone loves President and Sister Checketts. 

Elder Wallace and I shopped at Costco. We understand that Costco is doing away with their hot dogs in America.  President and Sister Gubler had iphones and didn't use them.  Elder Wallace was fortunate to get one of them.  Its a 6 iphone and is much larger than the one I have.  The other iphone is locked or I would have gotten it. 

Friday, 6 July 2018

Arrived at the office a 8 am and started preparing lunch for MLC (Mission Leadership Conference) which lasted from 10 am - 4 pm.  We chopped, cut, set, and prepared food for 60 people serving Taco Salad and Magnum Ice Cream Bars (you can buy in Utah) and left-over cookies.  I was surprised that that most the food was gone.  Great planning!

We arrived home to have left-over spaghetti and a green salad and relax for a few minutes then off to do grocery shopping at Tesco.  I am also getting use to the washing/drying machine and did a few loads.  Elder was out of white shirts.  Ironing was a must before the weekend.

Saturday, 7 July 2018

We drove the van to the London Temple today to load bookcases, fridge, and supplies to the new London Mission. First we drove to President and Sister Gubler's house to drive their car to the London Temple. I got to drive the Presidents car to the London Temple as I followed the van.  The church has someone picking it up the car there.  It was a very nice car and enjoyed driving  it.  I probably won't drive much here in England because there won't be a need.  We proceeded to fill up the van and will still need to return for more furniture.  Sister Gorgas was there.  She has really straightened up the place.  She will take all the used towels and clothes to a charity shop.  She has been a great resource to us.  Elder Wallace gave her a Oyster Card so she can start coming to the London Mission to do Council Taxes on all our flats.  We said our good byes and Elder Wallace drove the van while I drove the last car to the new mission. We arrived at Hyde Park and unloaded the van and headed for home.  It was now 4:30 pm and we need nourishment!  We had a frozen BBQ chicken pizza and a green salad.  Tasty!  We felt much better and relaxed by watching 'Monk'.  Connie ordered the series of Monk but didn't play on their video because it was a UK version.  Now we get to enjoy it.

Sunday, 8 July 2018

It continues to be very hot in England.  It is up to 85 degrees which is extremely hot with humidity.  The grasses everywhere are yellow and brown.  It hasn't been this hot for 44 years - a record! Another interesting thing about London.  There is high rise buildings everywhere.  Blocks and blocks of flats.  There are over  8 million people in London itself.  And as we start touring the streets of London we see flowers in hanging pots and in window pots and in pots on the porches.  It is so charming.

We attended the Lea Valley Ward with Elder and Sister Rees.  It took us 45 minutes to get to church today.  I have heard about people travelled to church for several hours.  The tube was so hot and muggy.  We walked another 10-15 minutes to church.  It is a small church and the chapel has not benches just padded chairs that can be stacked up and double as the cultural hall.  The church was so neat and clean.  What was impressive was the members.  The were friendly and kind to us.  We were introduced  in each meeting.  The ward is a mixture of all nationalities.  I am trying to remember names like Faith the RS President and Jill, a councillor (another English spelling).  Susan, Lily, Anthony, Bishop Freestone are just a few we also met.  I am anxious to be part of a ward and hope to get a calling.  The ward has three sets of missionaries.  I didn't want to tell them that they will be losing a few missionaries in August.

Sweat-ball is how I felt returning from church.  We are so grateful for a fan to help move the air a round.

Elder and Sister Ernstrom came for Sunday dinner.  I made meatloaf, baked potato and green salad.  They loved it. I should of done a cooler type of dinner because of the hot weather.  With a fan it was very comfortable eating.  The Ernstroms brought a lemon cake and we had cake and ice cream for dessert.  We played a game of Five Crowns which even Sister Ernstrom had a great time.  We laughed and told funny stories.  Clark won again.  The Ernstroms took leave and we went for a walk in Hyde Park.  We walked to Kensington Palace and enjoyed the strolling down the lane and the cooler evening now the sun was retiring for the night.  At Kensington Palace we saw the Phillips that we work with.  We had a nice visit and they introduced us to their nephew and his daughter.  We wish we had pictures but forgot our phones. Very nice man from North Carolina and his daughter graduated from BYU and was doing an internship in England.  We said our good byes and walked home.  We had a chance to talk to Marjorie and her children.  Rex is growing up and Addie is looks older.  She reminded us its her birthday next week.


  1. When we were in London, people were complaining about the heat (middle 70's) and were hoping for rain! We were so glad not to have it! I imagine London being muggy when it gets hot.


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