Monday-Saturday, 9-14 July 2018

It is Sunday morning the 15 of July 2018.  I am not attending church today and you will find out as you read the blog.  It has been a hard week physically and a challenge.  Understanding will come as you read the blog.  Just know that we are mostly well and happy to be serving in England.  I will be posting daily again now that our routine back to some normalcy.

Monday, 9 July 2018

Elder Wallace and I have now figured out the calendar of events for getting out of flats.  We have planned moving and cleaning a flat every other day starting on Mondays that will go through the rest of July.  Today we arrive at a flat in Kingston, Stains to close it out.  We had Elder and Sister Severson and Elder Quilter and Elder Hogg ready to work.  They had already had boxes and other paraphernalia on the sidewalk ready to put in the van.  The van was loaded quickly and off went Wallace, Quilter and Hog to drop of some things.  Before Elder Wallace left he told me to be careful.  The Seversons and I carried things up and down the staircase without problems.  I even threw the sheets, bedding and other soft items down the stairs while Elder Severson carried things to the street.  We were able to slide two mattresses down the stairs.  How fun?  Sister Severson was dismantling a IKEA chair when I took the back part of the chair which was curved and a little backward to carry.  I was debating on how to take it down the stairs when Sister Severson said to pull it behind me.  I am not sure what happened next but I started to put the chair in front of me and take a first step when a fell down the steep long blue carpeted stairs. (about 20 stairs) All I remember is falling and at the end I snapped my neck.  It felt like I had gone to the chiropractor and had an adjustment.  At first I felt fine.  I did start to shake and realised it was a miracle to be able to tell the story.  Nothing seemed to be broken or hurt.  The Severson had me drink water, take an Ibuprofen and sit down for a while.  I felt fine and appreciated their kindness and concern.  I didn't go up and down the stairs much after that.  I did clean the bathroom.  Before we left Elder Wallace and Severson gave me a blessing.  I sat in the front seat of the Seversons car while Elder Severson anointed and Elder Wallace gave me a beautiful blessing of comfort and healing.  I felt very blessed and the hand of the Lord.  (I thought a lot about Mom & Dad Wallace and their accidents with the stairs.)  As the day progressed I realized that the fall had taken its toll.  I hit my jaw, head and right shoulder and had a few other aches and pains but no broken bones to talk of.

Elder brought me home and I rested on the couch taking a nap until bedtime.  Thank goodness for Elder and his tender loving care.

Tuesday, 10 July 2018

We spent the day in the office and cleaning out the van.  I am tender but recovering and very humbled that I am a live to tell about it.

Wednesday, 11 July 2018

Elder Connor and Elder Jergensen said this place was the best
fish and chips in Worthing.  Original name Fish & Chips.
We were confident that we could clean out two flats today in Worthing and Brighton. We had to bring Worthing elders a fridge and a washing machine for their new flat.  They acted as though they had packed and taken a lot of things to the new flat.  I had talked with the Elders and gave them boxes and instructions on what need to be done.  The inventory list showed we had very little to move. After talking to the letting agent we discovered that we needed to move all the furniture.  When we arrive the flat was a disaster.  The Elders had not done a very good job in preparing to move.  We quickly called the Elders in Brighton and told them we couldn't make it and spent the day cleaning and packing and moving.  AS I was cleaning one of the cupboards in the kitchen the chair broke beneath me.  A loud crash and the next thing I knew I hit the counter and was clinging to it so I wouldn't land on the floor.  Another accident!!!  Okay - I have to say that this rattled my body and hurt more than the stairs.  It was then that I quit cleaning and almost wanted to cry.  I thanked the Lord I could walk away without any broken bones. The Elders told me that the chair was broken but didn't know I was standing on it.  I love these set of elders.  We got the Elders mostly into their new flat and went out for fish and chips near the ocean. After lunch I walked to the post office to put money on a PopUp card for the gas so the elders could have hot water.   As I was walking I discovered I had a huge bruise the size of my hand spread out. 

We arrived home and Clark took very good care of me again!  I have not stopped taking Ibuprofen and thankful for the 800 ml we brought from America.  Another evening resting and sleeping on the couch.  I am alive to tell about it and very blessed.  Angels are attending me. 

Thursday, 12 July 2018

I am almost dreading the day.  What could happen next!!!

 Elder Wallace and Elder Ernstrom left at 6:45 am to go to Welling.  The letting agency wanted to rent out the flat on Friday.  The letting agency was arranging to company to move and clean the flat after we got what we wanted.  The also drove to the London Temple and loaded the van and made a trip to Furnistore.  A charity shop that takes things for the homeless.  Afterward they met us at the President's house.

 Elder & Sister Pearce came to the mission office at noon to pick me up.  They were picking up a van to move a flat and taking me with them to pick up a bunk bed at the President's house.   We were also moving a king size Purple bed for the Rees in their flat which will be our flat in a few months.  Elder Ernstrom wants our queen Purple bed when we move.  We also collected bedding, kitchen items for missionaries and left over food.  I want to take Sister Rees back and see what else we could use for the kitchen and missionaries.   Took us a long time to get home but we made our dinner appointment with Elder & Sister Baum at 6 pm.  So glad I didn't have to cook.  We were delightfully surprised to see Elder & Sister Christensen, Visitor Centre Directors
. We had a wonderful-delicious meal and very grateful for it.  Afterwards we played a game of Five Crowns.  We took our leave and went back to Hyde Park to unload the van for the next day adventures.  Christensen followed us back and helped moved furniture and items from the van.

Home at last!!!!

Friday, 13 July 2018

We (I should say I) made it through Friday the 13th without any problems or accidents.  We were up early and out the door before 7 am to drive to Southampton to clean out a flat.  We met Elder & Sister Hewlett, Elder Allen and Elder Judd at the Elders flat.  We had accidentally moved a wardrobe  from one flat to another and had to return it since we were getting out of the flat,  The missionaries had the wardrobe outside and took only a few minutes to load and we were off.   We all conviened at the closing flat to clean and move more stuff.  Luckily the flat was in great condition.  I cleaned out the fridge with the help of Sister Hewlett.  We didn't clean much and once everything was in the van we said our goodbyes and drove to the Southampton Rubbish leaving the van clean of junk and rubbish.  We returned back at the office by 4 pm. During the trip home from Southampton the landlady called about the flat and wanted to know where the wardrobe was.  I was so pleased to tell her that we had moved it back to where it belonged.  Elder went to the bank with Elder Ernstrom while I ordered a stove for Worthing.

We arrived home to have a frozen pizza for dinner with a 7 Up!  I do not care of 7 Up and have to add Squash with it.  Finished the laundry and ironing.  It is going to be a busy weekend.

Saturday, 14 July 2018

The Ernstroms, Christiansens, two elders and we piled into a van and took off for the London Temple.  We are excited and anxious to do temple work, show off the London Temple and see our friends.  President Checketts called to have us take the two missionaries with us.  We are happy to take them with us but we won't be able to take back to London.  The missionaries were fine with that.  Their ward was having a temple day and serving a picnic lunch and would get a ride home with a member.  Of course, I am the worrier and wanted to make sure they got a ride.  Elder Wallace said it would be fine.  And it was.  We got to see Sister Gorgas and have hugs.  She makes me fill like I am home and I feel joy when I am with her.  The other couples had a chance to go to the distribution centre after the session at the temple.  I cannot express the joy of attending the temple.  My bucket was filled.  We took our little army of friends to Hever Castle and to walk the grounds.  It is one of few castles that have a water mote around it.  While walking the grounds I fell again walking into a hole in the ground.  I twisted my ankle.  I am not sure why I am being challenged so much but I know of the blessing of the Lord and the priesthood.  On the way back from Hever Castle, Elder Wallace dropped us off at Tarana Restaurant.  The famous Thai restaurant we attend all the time.  Elder Wallace went back to the temple for the Davis and we had a wonderful meal as usual.  Tony and Carol Davis are going home on Friday and the were coming to stay in London with us until Tuesday morning.  Elder Wallace made it a point to drop off all the couple and also me so I didn't have to talk so far on my ankle.  I iced the ankle while we played a game of Five Crowns.  Sister Davis was the big winner.  We visited for a time and went to bed.  I took an ibuprofen and rubbed doTerra heat rub on the foot and slept the night. 

From left to right: Elder & Sister Ernstrom, us and
Elder & Sister Christensen in front of Hever Castle.

This man was taking a picture with his camera.  We stopped
to visit and he showed us his pictures.  He took one for
Sister Christensen.

Hever Castle in the summer! We have visited this castle
more than any other castle or sight.


  1. At least you've stopped falling off roofs! Take care of yourself!


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