Monday, 23 July 2018

Monday, 23 July 2018

Elder Wallace and Elder Rees moved a set of missionaries to a new flat.  I worked in the office for most of the day and had a touch of the flu and went home to rest. I think I was dehydrated. I rested and drank lots of water and slept.

Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Happy 24th of July in Utah.  It is not celebrated here in England.  We asked for the day off and the office staff laughed.  It was worth a try.

Elder Wallace met the Pearce's at a flat on St. Georges Street and travelled to the London Temple and dropped off items worth keeping for missionaries and took a load of items to the charity shop.  Furnistore asked us not to bring any more pots and pans and other kitchen items unless we called.  They had enough kitchen items from us and not enough room to store anything else.  They still took the beds, vacuums, and furniture.

I worked in the office.

Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Elder & Sister Pearce with all the hard working missionaries.
With the help of the Pearces and their Helamans army, we moved two flats and learned about a third that needed to be closed tomorrow.  We met up with Elder Pearce at Flip & Dip (a favorite of the Pearces).  Notice the pictures below.  The Pearces got a phone call from the sister missionaries in 33 Westmoreland.  The landlord came by and was surprised to see the flat not cleaned out.  They were going to have painters the next day and new people moving in on Friday.  There had been some mix up at the office on the sisters moving before transfers. We said our goodbyes to the Pearces and finished taking the van loaded with flat things and drove to the London Temple.  We unloaded some keep items and loaded throw items for the rubbish.  We went to the Crawley Rubbish.  Elder Wallace likes to go to different rubbish and recycles facilities and share the wealth. Tomorrow just got changed to moving another flat. 
Elder Pearce with his super deluxe hamburger
you dip in gravy.

Elder Wallace and I split a meal and enjoyed an oreo shake.
On the way home we stopped at President Gulber's home and packed china, stemware, and silverware for Sister Checketts. We talked with Nanette.  It seems we are always in the van moving and Nanette is in the car to work or grocery store or something.  She told us about her 32 miles bike ride.

We arrived back at the office at 8 pm.  Checketts would be home at 9 pm to take the dishes over to them.  We recruited 5 missionaries to help us and all nine missionaries marched over with boxes and their belongings to help deliver the boxes.  It was quite a sight to walk behind all these tall and handsome and unbelievably obedient missionaries.  Afterwards we had a chance to talk to the Checketts about the office and flats.  They are wise stewards and he has a presence about him that he is in charge. 

Tender Mercies - Moving and cleaning both flats and delivering keys to the agents.  Elder Pearce had gone home to study his institute lesson while Sister Pearce and finished cleaning and moving out of 233 Streatham.  Sister Pearce called the agent as we were getting close to the agency when the agent was right across the street and came to the van and took the keys.  It was such a blessing because we didn't know where to park and there was a huge amount of traffic.

I had arranged to have a haircut at my place tomorrow with Sister Gorgas's daughter Emma but cancelled since we had to move a flat.

Thursday, 26 July 2018

Today was a milestone for us.  It is the last flat to close in the old London South Mission.
Move furniture and belongings at flat at 33 Westmoreland in just over 2 1/2 hours including cleaning. Elder & Sister Pearce can command an army of missionaries.  We had 6 sisters and 6 elders help pack and clean the flat. The sister missionaries moved to a set of elders flat and the elders moved in with the Zone leaders flat for two weeks until transfers.

Arrived at the office just after 4 pm and unloaded the van.  Thank goodness for an air conditioned office.

I worked on laundry washing dirty towels from cleaning the flat and a set of dark clothes.  Clark did not wear one white shirt all week.  He only has 4 colored shirts and he wore them all week which is not the norm!

Friday, 27 July 2018

It is 6:16 am and we have already talked to Emily this morning.  The Morrisons and Doyles are in Moab in a three bedroom apartment and enjoying hiking and swimming.  We got to say hello to the grand kids for just a moment.

As I am typing this blog I am noticing the trees are stressed from the hot weather.  The leaves are starting to turn brown.  I wonder what another two weeks will be like without rain. 

We arrived at the office ready to start working in the new London Mission.  We still have work on the flats we closed but it is mostly paperwork.  Sister Rees came into the office and said that they had met with President Checketts and wants them to turn over more things to us from the office.  He is planning on using them differently.  I learned baptisms, calendar, supply ordering, and general office things.  Elder Wallace spent the day with Elder Elder Rees driving departing missionaries to the London Temple.  They arrived home sometime after 8 pm.  I came home at 6 pm and started laundry and cleaning the flat and trying to catch up on the blog.  I was just almost home when the loudest thunder shock the buildings and about jumped out of my shoes.  I arrived home just as it started to rain.  We need the rain.  It seems strange not to see Clark all day.  So happy to see him.


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