Friday-Saturday, 20-21 July 2018

Friday, 20 July 2018

Our days of moving flats are almost over.  After today we will only have 3 more flats to move.  Elder and Sister Pearce have been a lifesaver.  They have taken the second van of the mission and moved two flats on their own.  We met Elder and Sister Wells at a flat in Oxford in Reading Zone.  The Wells had prepared the flat well.  They had moved all the boxes moved from the flat.  With the help of Elder McKinley and Elder Man the moving of the furniture went smoothly.  The Elders had to dismantle a wardrobe which they were excited to do.  Sister Well had arrange all the furniture to go to two needy families.  The Wells and the Elders went in their car while we followed in the van to the first stop to deliver a set of bunk beds and mattresses.  The husband was so appreciative as we hauled the beds to the 13th floor of the housing unit.  We could tell that they could use the furniture.  Our next stop was at a lady named Dawn.  She had three or four children and was in need of the couch, wardrobe, bookshelf, kitchen table and dresser.  We had to put the wardrobe together or she would of never figured it out.  Both of the families live in Council Housing which they only pay a percentage of their income depending on what they make.  Council Housing has no carpet and just wood flours made out of plywood.  Families are suppose to put their own carpet down when they move in.  Both families were not fortunate enough to have carpet in all the rooms.  We were so happy that we could be of help.  The Wells took as out to Kentucky Fried Chicken.  It was so fun to visit with the Wells.  They will come next week and stay over night and we will go to a show.  We said our goodbyes and made it to the rubbish place to dump an old couch and other things around Dawns house.  She was so grateful.    We arrived back at the office at 4 pm and worked until the Pearce's returned with the other van.  Pearces looked tired and worn out from moving all day.  We brought them home and fed them fish and chips and taught them Five Crowns.  We served root beer floats for a treat.  Yummy!  Root beer is not as good and A&W.  We had such a fun time and will do it again.

Saturday, 21 July 2018

We arrived at the office at 8:10 am to clean out the van the Pearces packed from closing a flat.  Elder Phillips arrived at 8:30 am to move a bed to their place.  We are playing musical beds.  They are taking the Checketts old mattress because their is awful.  I worked on fixing a vacuum while the men moved the mattress.  Elder Wallace said it was the heaviest bed he has moved. The vacuum could not be fixed and went to where all broken items end up.  We arrived home to clean up and meet the Ernstroms at the South Kennington Station and took the tube to Leicester Square. We bought movie tickets fromt he Vue theatre for Mama Mia - Here we go again!  We found the place to buy inexpensive theater tickets.  We are so excited to see what kind of discounts we can get.  We enjoyed the movie and Sister Ernstrom cried at the end.  It did have a good message about families.  In some aspects the Mama Mia 2 movie was better than the first.  Afterwards we stopped at Burger King, which is right across the street from the Vue and had lunch.  We had a nice lunch as we heard a magic show vendor performing and afterwards a young singer about the age of 15 years old.  She was very talented.  I could not believe the crowds of people.  I realize I can only take so many thousands of people for a short time.

Time to clean the flat.and get ready for our guests.  We had the Rees and the Phillips come for game night.  Elder Rees score at the end was only 13 points - first I had ever seen.  Sister Rees brought popcorn and we served root beer floats for a treat.  Another fun night with friends.  We work hard and play hard.   Glad to have some alone time.
