Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Clark is on the road again but not as far as yesterday.  He went to Orpington to pack and clean a flat which doesn't close until July.  He and Elder Sanders boxed up dishes and bedding and loaded in the van. We are trying to stay ahead of the game.  I spent most of the morning cleaning 22 Copeland in Crawley with the help of the sister missionaries in the same complex.  Sister Shumway and Sister Jenkins helped so much.  I took them shopping at Lidl Grocery store which has one of the lowest prices in food but not as good a selection from a Tesco or Sainsbury.  This saved them a lot of time catching the bus to and from the their place and saved them time especially since it was their P-Day.  Clark and I made it back to the office within minutes of each other.  We got in gear and packed the rest of the van with boxes of kitchen things and drove to Redhill to Furnistore Charity.  Jenny is so good to us and took all of our things expect two mattresses.  We arrived back at the office at 3 pm and did a few hours of work before leaving for home.  We fixed dinner which consisted of a green salad, speghetti and hamburger.  The hamburger was for meatloaf but I didn't have time to prepare it.  We ate and rested for a few minutes before we took off to Crawley and spent another hour cleaning and removing cleaning supplies, two vacuums and a mattress.  22 Copeland is ready to be rented out on Thursday.  After arriving home we tried to call Dad, Lynne and Dee and Dan & Julia to no avail.  We did talk to Marjorie for a minute as she was at the library taking books back.  School is out at the end of week.  Wonder if anyone of our children will have a scone party for their kids?  Haven't had time to ask them!  Sleep came quickly for us. 
