Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Wednesday, 23 May 2018

We arrived at the Mission Office at 6:30 am.  I kissed Elder Wallace goodbye and he and  Elder Parker drove off to Poole to finish cleaning out the two flats in Bournemouth and Christchurch.  Our heros returned home at 6 pm tired and wanting some rest.  I spent a few hours organising flat paraphernalia.  The office returned to an office instead of a charity shop.  I returned home and got ready for the day and returned back to the office.  Sister Gorgas and I loaded the car with blankets, sheets, pillow cases, pillows, and a few kitchen things.  Furnistore is the name of the charity shop that helps the homeless.  I drove to Furnitstore in Redhill.  A lady named Jenny was so excited to have the things and we were so excited to give them.  The only thing they won't take is couches and kitchen tables if they don't have chairs.  I gave Jenny and the other helper a hug and thank them again for taking it.  It was one of those sweet moments.  Now to tell Elder Wallace about a cement brick I ran into and scratched the car.  The shop is behind a car wash and parking is madding. I had to back up to let someone out of the lane.  There were two cement brick blocks a bit bigger than a cinder block.  I thought I was going up past the gutter onto the sidewalk.  Well-that's what I get for thinking!!!

We returned home and took a nice long walk down the country lane.  Clark told me all about his day and I told him about mine.  We are very blessed to be in England on a Mission and live at the Bridgstock's home.
