Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Transfers are a busy day and this transfer was no exception.  Clark spent the day driving missionaries to Heathrow Airport, staying with Maddens until Elder Stein arrived from Heathrow, drove Elder Stein to see President and Sister Gubler, took him to Espom to pick up Elder Stein's companion, drove to Hayward Heath, and back to the mission office.  Clark arrived at 5:20 pm.    I was busy at the office.  Sister Harkness and I did go into East Grinstead for grocery shopping and lunch at restaurant by the East Grinstead chapel. I returned back at the office and worked until my sweetheart came for me. We left for home to prepare dinner for Institute.

Dinner was not hard at all.  We served leftovers from the dinner the night before. They did not appreciate all the raw veggies with Chicken Haystacks but loved the rice and chicken and sauce.  Tonight is our last night with the YSA at Institute.  It is a bitter/sweet.  Returned to home sweet home.  Sister Doughty was having a hard time getting the attention of the class.  She seemed tired from her trip to California and Utah.  It was a good lesson on Moroni 8-10. 

I am writing the blog in the mornings so I can keep up. 

Departing missionaries.  We love the missionaries!
