Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Elder Wallace was on the road again.  He and Elder Madden spent all day driving to Trowbridge to deliver chairs and a dresser and remove a load of rubbish.  They found a rubbish and recycle centre and unloaded the van and ate lunch at a McDonalds.  Elder Wallace dropped Elder Madden off at 5 pm.  He had 40 miles to drive home and it took him over 2 1/2 hours.  I was so glad to see him.  I spent the day in the office.  Sister Gorgas and I organised and boxed up the shed which the items will go to a charity tomorrow.   I came home alone and did a few things around the house. Lesley came by to invite me to have birthday cake at Sara and Don.  It was Theo's 16 birthday.  Brogen had made two birthday cakes-a chocolate and carrot cake.  I complemented Brogen on the decorating and looks of the cake.  She said she made box cakes.  I should of take a picture of them.  I also got to see Theo's new room.  They had finished painting it the day before and Brogen did a lot of the work.  It is a very nice bedroom with two walls gray and two wall cream.  All the floors are hardwood floors in the estate.  Theo asked his grandma for a rug she had.  Lesley would give you the shirt on her back if she could.  Love that woman. 
