Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

I just have to tell you all about MLC in Epsom.  We arrived at the Mission Office at 5:45 am to find the Maddens ready to go.  We finished loading the van with food from the Accommadations' bought the day before and off to Epsom.  Sister Madden and I helped with a few loads from the van than we got to work preparing breakfast for 50 missionaries.  We served fruit juice, British scones with clotted cream and jam, fruit, vanilla mixed with yogurt, and granola.  As we were cleaning up from breakfast and getting ready for lunch Sister Gubler invited (insisted) us to Box Hill with the missionaries.  We did a few more things and left with the missionaries to the tallest mountain/hill in southern Sussex.  The sight was amazing!!! So glad we went.  See pictures below.  You could see for miles in all directions and the weather was perfect.  It was suppose to rain but waited until later in the day.  President Gubler had the missionaries read stories about British members joining the church and the trials of the saints.  He talked about Heber C Kimball being so excited to arrive on the English shores and preach the gospel that he leeped from the ship and landed in water and walked to the shore. Heber was the first member of the church to arrive from America to preach and teach the gospel. The England saints saved the church and many people were baptised and joined the saints in America. We were all touched by the spirit and grateful for our ancestors. 

We returned to the Epsom Ward to finish preparing lunch.  Elder Madden was hungry so while we finishing up eating the missionaries arrived.  We finished setting the buffet table of pulled pork sandwiches, potato salad, baked beans, chips, and Strawberry dessert.  YUMMY!!  I will be something I can make at home.  While the missionaries were finishing up with MLS we cleaned the kitchen and left for the Mission Office.  We unloaded the van and returned the crock pots to their shelves, gave food out and left to take Maddens home in Staines.  We were surprised how lovely the traffic moved.  It was remarkable that the traffic stayed above 40 mph.   This is the Maddens last time for MLC.  They are moving to Guernsey for 3 months to live in a house they use for the church and live with two sets of elders. 

President & Sister Gubler with MLC (Missionary Leadership Conference) at Box Hill.

Finding a place to sit on Box Hill

We left early to prepare lunch and take our last glance
at this beautiful place.  
