Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

We made it through transfers and departures!!!  Clark took 5 trips to Lingfield and at 6:30 pm a trip to Heathrow to drop off Elder Romero who is returning to Ecuador.  We were able to have dinner at 5 pm together with all the other new and departing missionaries.  We were a group of 30 people once with mission presidency and AP.  I have grown to love these missionaries and will miss them. 

I spent the day preparing and serving dinner to the missionaries.  We had Chicken Haystack with all the veggies and pineapple and a fruit platter with strawberries, blueberries, and grapes with cheese rolls and brownie with ice cream and fudge on top for dessert. I just want you to know that we fixed a lot of food. The leftovers did not go to waste.  The AP's, office elders and Institute YSA will benefit.  I benefit the most because I don't need to prepare food for Institute.  I worked hard enough today.  The dinner was a big hit and the Helaman's Song and thank you afterwards leaves me to tears.  The Parkers left to do their part of the teaching and I sent Sister Parker home after dinner because she has been having muscle spams for four days. Another gentleman with a cane came into the kitchen to prepare food.  We invited him to eat Chicken Haystacks.  He was so appreciated and started to cry saying he had lost his wife a month ago and was beside himself.  The temple is a wonderful place for peace.  I thought the office elders were coming back to help and they didn't.  I looked at all the cleanup and knew I would be there all night.  A sweet sister from Germany needed food and I gave her some.  She was so appreciative.  She stayed after to help me cleanup.  I was so thankful for this angel sent from me.  We had a wonderful visit with her broken English.  I love her and I cannot remember her name.  She has been at the London Temple for 3 weeks and will leave on Saturday. I am going to try and get some boys to help do baptisms for her.  I did ask the Parkers to help carry and distribute food.  They were will to do it.  They felt bad they didn't come back and help.  Sister Harkness felt the same way.  Everything worked out as planned. 

I arrived home 15 minutes before Clark at almost 9 pm. I went to visit with Lesley for a few minutes to find out about Lauren.  Not good!  It was so nice to be with Clark again.  I was tired and aching I had a hard time going to sleep.  I asked someone how they slept the other day and they said, "Don't know, I was sleeping!".


  1. I keep hoping you will bag some of that food up and send it to me! :-)


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