Thursday, 24 May 2018

Thursday, 24 May 2018

Clark spent another day moving flat things.  Elder Parker and Elder Wallace clean out the van from the things in Bournemouth and Christchurch.  And to Crawley to finish cleaning out a flat.  They left a clothes dryer that will go to the Sanders tomorrow in Sidcup.  the Sanders replaced the Wakeleys.

I spent the day in the office updating charts, answering emails, and working on flat files.  Sister Gorgas sent out 10 letters to landlords to vacate properties.  I was so happy to be in the office.  The biggest problem we had was the printer ran out of ink and we ran out of full ink cartridges.  It stopped my progress of the desk. The printer would of made it easier to work but I was able to accomplish a lot in the office.

Several tender mercies happened today concerning flats.  While working on a closed flat file I found a set of keys to a flat in Bournemouth, Poole.  This would mean another 3 hour drive.  The Parkers were going down to Poole for the weekend on Saturday.  They will take the keys with to the senior couple.  Another tender mercy was at the Erith flat.  The agency wanted a set of keys to show the flat and get it rented to save the church some money.  I had both set of keys.  Elder Wallace will go to Erith tomorrow to finish cleaning out the flat and can deliver the a set of keys to them.  The Lord is in the details of our lives.  These seem small matters but a huge amount of time is saved and I thank the Lord for his divine help.

We had dinner at the Wolseys.  They are from Canada and such wonderful people.  Oh - how I enjoy a meal I didn't make.  They served ribs and a potato dish.  We played a game of Five Crowns and Mormon Bridge which Sister Wolsey said they called it "Spit in the Ditch" with a few different rules.

We talked to Nanette earlier in the day and Emily called at 10:30 pm our time.  We love talking to our family.  It also makes me realise (realize) how I miss them.  The Lord has truly blessed our lives with a wonderful family.

Flowers blooming on trellis outside the Bridgstock home.

I need a picture of this to remind me of Bridgstocks and English life.
