Sunday, 27 May 2018

Sunday, 27 May 2018

We attended Epsom and listen to some great stories in Sacrament meeting and enjoyed the meeting.  It was fun being with the ward members.  We only have one more meeting in Epsom before we leave for London.  Starting to count down the days!

We returned home from church to find the Bridgstock grandchildren playing in the pool and getting everyone wet with water balloons from Costco's.  Check it out.  Amazing how the water hose fills the balloons and the balloons drop in the bucket when they are full.  What a great invention!!!  We prepared for our guest for dinner, the Pages from South Jordan and the Gunthers from Canada.  We had them tell us all about themselves.  Sister Page married Elder Page when his wife died and he had eight kids.  She is my hero.  The Gunthers both went on missions and lived on a farm in Canada and sold everything to come on a mission.  It was quite a story how they hadn't sold their farm and it had been on the market for a year.  They got their mission call and sold the farm as they were entering the MTC.  Faith and prayers have seen them through many things.  The Gunthers said it was the first time they have been out of debt their whole life.  We even got Sister Harkness over for dinner with us and she told her story.  Love these people.  The best part of the evening was talking to Emily and grand-kids and Mark, Connie and the grand-kids.  Elder Wallace told me to write the blog while he washed dishes.  Bless him!!! and Thank You!!!

New way to fill water balloons.
Can find it at Costcos.
Bridgstocks grandchildren having
fun with water.

Elder and Sister Page, Elder and Sister Gunther,
Sister Harkness and myself.  Getting to hot for a sweater.

Elder Wallace is the biggest help in the kitchen.
I write the blog and he does the dishes. 
I love that man.


  1. I still don't see how that balloon-filler works! It must be bitter-sweet to leave your friends and apartment that you have grown to love!


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