Sunday, 20 May 2018

Sunday, 20 May 2018

Started reading the book The Infinite Atonement by Tad Callister.  Love this book.  Thank you to our family for giving it to us.

It was Stake Conference for Crawley.  We had great seats on the front row.  Elder Wallace had a hard time staying away as I did.  Front row is not good to fall asleep.  The speakers did a lovely job.  They had Primary boy named Shawn Alves.  I loved that he said "I believe" the gospel to be true.  Ethan Dricoll, 22 year old Elders Quorum President talked.  We heard from President and Sister Gubler give a talk together on missionary work and Elder and Sister Otterson, Temple President and his wife, spoke on the temple.  The best part of the day was being there with Richard as he received the Melchedic Priesthood and became an Elder.  He is one of our YSA from Hungry.  I was so glad we popped in and was there for him.  He is a neat young man and very bright and humble.

At 3 pm we arrived at the Lodge (temple missionary housing) and had dinner with the Murdocks and Lameroues.  Murdock's would not let a bring anything.  She served lasagne which I haven't had in a long time which was very tasty.  We had so much fun visiting and enjoying each other company.  We all walked over to the Welcome Centre to the Hi & Bye.  The Hi is for new comers and the Bye is for those leaving the mission.  At the end President Otterson mentioned that the Parkers and Wallaces were leaving also and there would not be another Hi & Bye before we left.  We had a chance to meet Elder and Sister (Nielson) Page.  They know Dan & Julia Skoubye and Kandi Schloesser.  Its a small world.

A display about Crawley
Stake was displayed.

Elder Wallace with Richard second from the right. 

Look how happy everyone is even with
Elder Wallaces eyes closed.

Sister June Williams
The Poet!!!  She brings me her poems
to church and gives them to me. 
