Saturday-Sunday, 12-13 May 2018

Saturday, 12 May 2018

We love Saturdays.  It helps us prepare for Sunday and the next week.  Did the physical things that make our Sundays a sacred day.  Did laundry, shopping, cleaning, and went to the office to work on a few flats, cleaned the office, bank, farmers market...  I have to make dessert and do drinks for the the YSA Fireside tomorrow night.  Lesley Bridgstock helped me make 4 9x12 desserts of Lemon Cheese Cake and Banoffe Pie crust.  Will finish the dessert tomorrow morning when everything sets up. It is yummy and not hard work.  Lesley does not use measurements and just says, "Oh, this is enough or add more of this".  I am just the opposite.  I have had to many mistakes occur and learned my lesson.  We did relax and watched a Hallmark mystery movie which I fell asleep.  I did wake up for the last 3 minutes and found out who did it!

We got to visit with Emily. Connor and Anne are going to Lagoon.  Nanette called us at 12 midnight her time and 7 am our time to wish me a Happy Mother's Day.

Sunday, 13 May 2018

5:15 am is when the birds start to sing.  Today was a bird that sang like Morse Code and kept repeating it until I woke up.  Our flat faces East and we get the sun first thing in the morning and it doesn't get dark till after 9:30 pm.  I am grateful for technology.  I read the scriptures from the tablet.  I love being able to highlight, save the quote or scripture under a heading and pull it up later.   

6:45 am Lesley and I are finishing the desserts.  They look delicious.  We attended the East Grinstead Ward and had some great talks on repentance, obedience and sacrifice.  I had a hard time staying awake with all the late nights and early mornings this week.  It was fun to hear Elder Brook tell us Americans a Happy Mother's Day.  Relief Society has completely changed the format of the lessons and I love it.  I couldn't hear the a sister when she asked a question when Lesley said that I needed to get up and tell what I had learned this week.  I felt a little embarrassed and told about learning how to make Lemon Cheese Cake and Banoff Pie and thanked Lesley for her help.

Elder and Sister Parker came for dinner.  Sister DeArden had given us a pork loin when she left.  We baked the roast, rice, stir fry vegetables, rolls, and a fruit salad from brought by the Parker's made a delicious and simple dinner.  We didn't have time to cleanup before the fireside.  The Parkers came to the YSA Fireside because they will be going to Poole and doing YSA.  They also helped serve the dessert.  They know how to minister. I was very appreciative of their help.  A little sad that more YSA did not attend the fireside.  We had two 9x13 dishes left over and Elder Wallace was kind enough not to say "I told you so" and making to much dessert and drinks.  The office elders were at the office working so we gave them some dessert and left the rest in the Accommodations and will tell everyone to get some.  We will take a dessert tomorrow when we pack a flat.

We talked to all our family on Mother's Day.  Mark fell asleep while Connie and kids talked to us.  I don't get to talk to Connie.  She looked beautiful in a yellow jacket with a beautiful spring scarf, Liam and Marion played us a piece on the piano, Colin smiled a lot, and Aiden got behind Liam and did fun things with his arms and hands in front of the phone.  We talked to Marjorie and found out that she got released from YW today and saw Rex reading a book, said hi to Sophia, Maizie, and Addie.  We got to visit with Emily and Anne for a few minutes.
