Saturday, 26 May 2018

Saturday, 26 May 2018

Saturday -  a day to R&R but not today.  We went early to Tesco for grocery shopping.  Returned home, put away the groceries and went into the office.  We loaded two metal bed frames to take to the sister missionaries in Eastbourne and to a drive to the coast.  Eastbourne is about an hour or more away from the mission office.  It was a pleasant drive through small towns, country roads and round-a-bouts.  The trip to Eastbourne is becoming very familiar to us.  We arrived in Eastbourne and was able to find a parking place close to the sisters flat.  Sister Molbek and Sister Hulldin gave us big hugs and were happy to see us.  We set up the metal bed frames in just a few minutes, changed out the light bulbs in the kitchen, and replaced the batteries in the smoke alarms.  The sisters said they loved how Elder Wallace and I worked together and they want that kind of marriage.  It touched me that they noticed.  We said our goodbyes and left to walk the beach of Eastbourne.  We love the rocky beaches, the sounds of the ocean and watching the people.  I even got to put my feet in the water.  The salt water helped the sore on my foot and the swelling went down.  The sea is therapeutic. There was much to see on the waterfront.  We walked to and on the pier and was able to see the other side of Eastbourne.  We bought Cornish ice cream from a vendor.  Cornish ice cream comes from very special cows in Cornwall.  It is the best ice cream we have had in England.  We also bought some kind of a Turkish or Greek pastry which was to die for (should of bought more).  We were going to go to Seven Sisters but spent so much time in Eastbourne we headed for home.  We were almost home when we got a call from the missionaries in Mitchem.  A pipe had broken in the kitchen sink and they had to hold it so the place would not get flooded.  We tried to reach the letting agency and had wrong numbers.  We returned to the office to locate the right number. (Tender mercy that we did not go to Seven Sisters.) No one answered.  Sister Gorgas came into the office and heard the conversation.  She tried to help locate the shutoff valve but the missionaries could not located it.  Elder Wallace got the tool kit and we head for Mitchem.  It will be another 45-60 minutes to get there.  In the meantime, a neighbour came by and helped the Elders turnoff the water to the sink in the kitchen.   You use a screwdriver with a special head to turn the water off.   We got a phone call from the Elders saying they got the water turned off. Another tender mercy! We were half way there and turned around for home.  So glad that someone came to the rescue to help the Elders because it a holiday this weekend with a Bank Holiday on Monday.  Everything closes down when there is a Bank Holiday. 

We returned home to do a few things and left to pick up Tony and Carol Davis.  We took them to Godstone (said Gods-ton)  We parked in the centre of town and walked up a path past a small lake and to a church called St Nicholas.  Elder Wallace started talking to a man who bought a house across the street from the church.  He told us about three gravestones and showed us were they were.  We walked around the church and saw two headstones of pirates and a Hells Angel.  Our new friend told us that we just missed 400 Hells Angels on motorbikes visiting the grave site of a buddy that died six years ago at the tender age of 41. We thanked our friend and left. We were getting hungry and drove to Fyre and Square near the temple.  When we arrived they told us the kitchen had closed.  We couldn't believe it. It was 7 pm. We returned to our place and fixed fish and chips and veggies and played one game of Five Crowns which Carol won. It was a fun a day with twists and turns throughout the day. 

How I wanted to jump in the water and go for a swim! 
Notice the Eastbourne Pier behind me. 

Clark at the pier looking toward the ocean.

Looking from the Pier to one side of Eastbourne.  It is a lovely place.

You can book a night and dinner on the pier. 

The other side of the oceanfront of Eastbourne
Rows of hotels line the oceanfront.

Small shops were set up so sell their wares along the oceanfront.
Sister Harkness love teapots and I was trying to send her
a picture to see if she wanted any of them.  No service.

Wishing well  will be a memorial for those that died from Eastbourne
in WWII.  They are trying to raise funds for the memorial.
Look out from WWII.  It is called a
Wishing Well

Tony and Carol Davis and Clark and Ellen finding directions to
St Nicholas and the nature walk

Godstone and walking trails

St Nicholas Church.  We had seen the church last year with
Sister Harkness and Sister DeArden but it was cold and rainy.
Friendly neighbour telling history of Godstone

This is a place for homeless people.


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