Monday, 7 May 2018

Love this shot of the London Temple


London Temple grounds in full bloom

Garden of Eden
Monday, 7 May 2018

Today is a beautiful and bright new day!  The sun is shining, blue-blue sky, the flowers are in full blossoms showing their beauty and colour, the weather is perfect, and the traffic is light.  Today is a national holiday in the UK.  Everything shuts down.  It felt like a holiday for us also.  Very few phone calls at the office and not much in the way of work.  We took a walk around the outer edges of the temple grounds where you walk on lawn and dirt.  We saw some marvellous sights.  A field of bluebells were beyond the temple grounds, bushes in brilliant colours, and a sense of joy filled our souls.  Enjoy the pictures!  I took my camera a second time to give my blog viewers a few of the things I was feeling.  Sister Harkness came with me this time.  The bluebells will not stay long in this heat.

The Bridgstocks invited us for lunch to celebrate the Bank Holiday and the 1st of May.  The weather was good enough to eat outside and enjoy the family.  Lesley bought a swimming pool and the kids were swimming in it. COLD! David Bridgstock fixed the broken toilet.  It wouldn't flush.  Clark would have fixed it but it is completely different mechanism inside the toilet.  So glad that David fixed it before he left for Utah on Wednesday.  We left work a few minutes early and had time to study for Institute.  Clark and I teaching half of the lesson on Moroni 7.

Elder and Sister Davis invited us over for dinner and games which we couldn't refuse.  I made a green salad.  All I had to offer for dinner and Sister Davis did chicken and rice dish.  We played Five Crowns and Mormon Bridge. Thanks Edie and Roger for teaching us to play Mormon Bridge.

Lunch with Lesley and Sara


  1. The pictures of the temple and the flowers are to die for! What a beautiful scene!


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