Monday, 21 May 2018

Monday, 21 May 2018

Elder Wallace left early this morning to pick up Elder Madden and drive to Poole to clean out two flats, one in Bournemouth and another in Christchurch.  We did not see them till after 8 pm.  They looked beat and ready to rest. Sister Harkness and I picked up Sister Madden in Datchet.  We drove to Bookers and Costco to do the shopping for MLC.  I had arranged to play game with Patu and Charlie.  When she called I didn't have the heart to tell her no.  They came to the Mission Office and we played games in the Accommodations with Sister Harkness and Sister Madden. We only had enough energy for 1 game of Five Crowns.  Elder and Sister Madden stayed the night at the Accommodations so we wouldn't have to pick them up in Datchet.
