Monday, 14 May 2018

Monday, 14 May 2018

We had a busy day!  It is the day before transfers and I am in charge of the dinner for Tuesday night.  We are serving Chicken Haystacks.  We worked in the office for a short time.  I went with Sister Harkness shopping at Tesco.  We avoided Costco because it take so much of the day.  Clark took bed frames, sheets, pillow cases and sheets and a duvet to the elders in Epsom. After returning with the food Sister Harkness and I met Clark at the elders in Crawley.  We are closing their flat and they are both going home from their mission.  The elders and Clark loaded the van with a couch, chairs and table to take to a charity shop.  They would not take the items.  Clark returned to the office and had Elder Parker go with him to the rubbish place in Crawley.  Sister Harkness and I helped sort through all the kitchen stuff and returned home.  Cleaning will take place next week.  We returned to the office until 6 pm. 

I returned Lesley's punch bowl and plate and thank her again for teaching me to make the desserts.  Lesley had Jane and another lady there.  She asked if Clark would help give her a blessing.  She seemed confused and not saying much.  She is selling her house and is having a hard time and emotion problems with her son.  I went to find another brother to help give her a blessing.  Don McFarlane next door was home and willing to give her a blessing.  Her name was Lauren and was the sister to Jane.  They did not look alike at all.  Loren was not a member of the church but has attended the ward meetings for along time.  Clark gave a bold and powerful blessing.  After ward you could see a difference in Lauren's countenance.  She was thinking and talking clearer.  A tender mercy of the Lord for Lauren and the power of the priesthood in our lives.

We returned home for a quick dinner of leftovers and returned to the London Temple to see the Davis.  Clark was the overall winner of Five Crowns and Mormon Bridge.  How does he do it?  The temperature was perfect for a walk around the temple grounds. It was a picture perfect night to take pictures of the London Temple.  Notice no clouds in the back ground. 


  1. We love reading your comments and are glad Clark was able to give a blessing. He is a great man and we love him. We are also glad that he is whipping somebody else other than us in these games!


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