Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

We had a busy day moving a queen mattress from Sidcup to Erith for the our new senior missionaries the Sanders.  Sidcup is only 20 miles but took us 45 minutes.  Erith is another 20 minutes from Sidcup.  We saw Elder and Sister Wakeley's house.  They live in a beautiful neighbourhood (English spelling) with a wonderful backyard.  Elder Wakeley had mowed the lawns the day before.  The grass cutting were left on the lawn and you could see how long the grass had been.  The house is one level with two bedrooms, a nice size living room, two bathrooms, and a kitchen.  Most of the kitchens don't have a place for a table and chairs.  This kitchen has a little glass encased area that a very small table could go into.  Sister Wakeley used it for an extra refrigerator and freezer and storage area.  I think the Sanders will be very happy with their new place.  Erith is another interesting flat.  It is on the second floor and is an old missionary flat.  While we have been here in England the flat has been empty.  The Sanders will stay here for two weeks until the Wakeleys depart home.  The Wakeleys wanted to know what positions in the church the Sanders have had because the Stake President has a calling for him already.  We received an email from Edie that her sister Karen is good friends of the Sanders.  I quickly wrote Karen an email and received and email from her telling us about the Sanders and what great friends they are.  We passed on the info to the Wakeleys.  Very interesting how information would come on the same day we were cleaning a flat for the Sanders and the same day the Wakeleys asked what we knew about the Sanders.  We will be excited to meet them.

I felt the sleeping situation was not suitable for the Sanders.  It was a bit of a comic scene to see a queen mattress on two single beds with mattresses underneath.  I ordered a mattress frame to be delivered before the Sanders come.  

We found a pub called the Earl Haig just a few blocks from the Erith flat and had a yummy lunch and a nice visit with the Wakeleys.  They are from Australia.  Clark had fish and chips and I had a fish sandwich which was the same fish Clark had except my fish was on two pieces of bread.  It was good.  I was surprised that Sister Wakeley ate a big lunch as she is petite and a size 0 but was able to down pretty big meal.  We hugged and said our goodbyes and will see them next week to finish getting the flat stocked with food and bedding and towels and a new bed frame.  

We arrived at the office at 5 pm - later than we thought we would be.  Home Sweet Home!  
