Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Clark's 67th birthday today.  I got up and got going without saying a thing about Clark's birthday this morning until I realised what I had done.  I promptly sang him a birthday song and hugged and kissed him. It was such a beautiful warm day with blue skies. A perfect day for a birthday.

We were up and going early so we could help with lunch at MLC.  We were told by the Madens they will be transferred to Guernsey in 6 weeks.  They will be in the Birmingham Mission the 1st of July.  Lunch was a big success and all the missionaries sang Happy Birthday to Elder Wallace when I presented a Costco cake.  I loved the golf theme on the cake.  We had to leave right lunch was over to get two sisters to their flight to Jersey.  We missed all the cleanup. I felt bad leaving the Maddens with so much work! The Maddens have been such stalwarts in doing the MLC breakfasts and lunches for the missionary leadership once a month.  Before we left, Maddens informed us that they are going to Guernsey for three months which means they will be in the Birmingham Mission on the 1st of July.

We arrived at Gatwick Airport the two sister missionaries.  I accompanied the sisters to the airport and made sure they got all their bags checked in and past security before I left to meet Elder Wallace.  Sister Johnson from Ghana and Sister Chisimba from Zambia were excited to get out and teach the gospel.  They are beautiful girls with gorgeous smiles.  I asked if they had braces and they laughed.  They were very blessed with a great smile. (Darn - I didn't get a picture)

 After we arrived home, we changed into workout clothes and went for a walk down the lane noticing that most of the mud puddles had dried up on the dirt road which made it possible to enjoy a long walk. The land is showing signs of new growth on the vines and plentiful tulips and flowers in bloom. We had leftover cake and ice cream for dinner, watched a mystery movie on YouTube, studied, prayed and went to bed.  We had a very good day and everything went as planned.
