Thursday, 26 April 2018

Thursday, 26 April 2018

  • Roman turns 12 today.  I sent him a birthday email to let him know how much we love him.
  • Elder Wallace left at 6 am to pick up Elder Madden in Staines and drove to Salisbury and delivered two new mattresses and two metal bed frames.  After the moving job in Salisbury they moved furniture from a flat in Hamble River.  The idea of leaving early was to return early.  He got back at 4 pm. 
  • While Clark is away, I must play!!!  lol - I washed sheets besides two other loads of laundry, wrote emails, did some mending on a slip and a dust rag, and got ready for the day.  I arrived at the office just after 9 am.  Everyone was surprised that I didn't go with Clark. I guess I could of stayed home all day. 
  • Sister Harkness brought me a snack with cheese, crackers, ham and grapes.  Food taste so much better when someone else provides.  Maybe it because of the love you receive when given.  
  • I went with Sister Harkness to Aldershot to take Sister Lebanon for a procedure at the hospital. Sister Erlacer and were companions for a while.  The procedure was suppose to be at 3:45.  We finally left the hospital at 6 pm.  Sister Lebanon does not have gallbladder stones but acid reflux.  Some biopsies were taken and will get the results in a few weeks. We took the sister missionaries to get some medicine for Sister Lebanon at Tesco and bought a few food items so they could make cookies for friends.  Sister Lebanon was still not feeling well.  We decided to take them to dinner. We were surprised when we looked at time.  It was 8:55 pm.  The sister took off to make it home by 9 pm.  They lived just up the steps from where we had dinner.  Sister Harkness dropped me off at 10 pm.  It has been a long day starting at 5:30 am.  Sister Harkness had me drive home.  It was the first time I have driven in the dark.  I do love to drive and will miss driving in September when I can't drive. 
  • The best part of the day was being in the country.  The private hospital was in the country in a beautiful setting.  The weather has turned cold and cloudy and not a great picture taking day.  I wanted an up close picture of the rapeseed.  Sister Erlacer was willing to humour me.  I did get the picture after going around a fence and down a farmers tractor lane and touched stinging nettle.  Lotion made the itch bearable. 

Sister Erlacer is from Austria.  She has been out a year.
In the distance is yellow fields of rapeseed.  We are outside
of the private hospital waiting for Sister Lebanon.

We went around a fence to take pictures of the rapeseed.
I got stinging nettle!  Lesson learned!
