Sunday, 22 April 2018

Sunday, 22 April 2018

We found a note from Lesley to have a Sunday lunch with the family outside at 2 pm.  We attended the East Grinstead Ward.  President and Sister Mann spoke in Sacrament meeting.  I took notes and cannot find them.  We had only 1 YSA show up for the Sunday School lesson.  Brother Riemer gave a lesson from the Old Testament on the children of Israel and murmuring from leaving Egypt, not enough food, water and the miracles that took place for them.  Emma Neal our neighbour gave the Relief Society lesson on Remember.  How do we always remember Christ in our daily lives?  I love attending church and the filling the sweet spirit.

We came home and a had lunch with the Bridgstocks outside on a large table in the yard.  It was so fun to eat outside.  Lesley had a childhood friend named Jane there and we had a wonderful visit.  At 3:30 pm Patu and Charlie showed up and we played games for an hour.  At 5 pm we went to the Hi & Bye and heard new temple missionaries talk about themselves and departing temple missionaries talk about their experience working in the London Temple.  After the meeting was a table of finger foods and drinks.  Nice to have a chance to say good bye.  Elder and Sister Baum talked who will be going to the London Visitors Centre.  We will take them to London on the 1st of May. 

We would have loved to talk with family on FaceTime but our internet was down.  It was nice to be home and relax and read scriptures.
