Saturday, 21 April 2018

My excuse for not writing the blog is no internet.  It kept asking for our IP address.   Monday night I finally asked Don next door to help us.  Don reset our WiFi setting on disk and in no time at all we had WiFi.

Saturday, 21 April 2018

Elder and Sister Wells came for breakfast before our excursion to Hever Castle.  We served egg burritos and cooked up a goose egg with several other eggs to feed our guests.  Elder Wallace had fried bacon and grated cheese and we all made our own burritos.  Delicious!!! (Are you hungry Dennis?)  We meet up after breakfast at the office so the Wells could check out of the Accommodations.  We gave the office a quick vacuuming and cleaning of the bathrooms while waiting for the Wells.  We invited Sister Harkness to Hever Castle and she jumped at the chance to go with us.  We arrived just as the Castle opened and sent the Wells inside to enjoy and learn about Anne Boline and Henry VIII.  Not a happy ending for Anne.  The rest of us enjoyed the grounds and the flowers in full bloom.

We stopped for lunch just outside of Hever Castle at a pub recommended to us called King Henry VIII's.  Elder Wallace and I split a dinner and glad we did.  We ordered a beef pot pie and an order of veggies. Everyone seemed to enjoy their lunch.  Time to say good-bye to the Wells and send them back to Oxford.  Afterwards we did grocery shopping and prepared for the Sabbath.  At 7 pm we went back to the Accommodations to watch a black and white movie called "Top Hat" with Fred Aster and Ginger Rogers.  It won 4 academy awards in 1935.  It was a very nice day.  Enjoy the pictures!
Goose egg compared to regular egg!

Elder Wallace, Elder & Sister Wells and Sister Harkness at
Hever Castle.

This is called the Chest Court-trees like a chest set.

Swan on a next by the mote.

I learned how to do a wide picture on my camera. Front side of Hever Castle.

This is a bit distorted side view of Hever Castle. 

Happy feet outside of Hever

Thank you Nanette for the shoes!

Find shoes!!! Having fun waiting for the Wells.

Lunch at King Henry VIII since 1597

The pub has been in business  since 1597.  
