Monday, 30 April 2018

Monday, 30 April 2018

We took Brother and Sister Baum to London to serve in the Visitor Centre.  They have been missionaries in the London Temple for 4 months until the Blogetts left the VC.  Driving in downtown London was an exciting experience.  I missed several of the roads or alleys we were to turn on.  And no going around the block in London.  We met Elder Rees and two missionaries to help unload the Baums bags.  It was a big help to us.  They live about 5 minutes from Hyde Park VC and Church.  We got to see  Baums flat and then Elder Rees took us to our place just down the same block of flats.  We are on the third floor (something about 3's) and showed us a lovely 1 bedroom flat.  It does have a roll-a-way bed for visitors.  Inside our room is a set of four stairs leading to the bathroom with a bathtub!!!  I could not be more excited!!!  I didn't think we would have room for guests until we moved closer to Hyde Park.  Elder Rees showed Elder Wallace how to drive to the Hyde Park and where to park.  We got to hug the Blodgetts and went to the third floor to meet with President Stevens.  They want us up at Hyde Park on June 29th to meet the President Checketts and his wife when they arrive. We told them we will be there for them.  We are keeping our flat here during July to help close flats if we need a place to stay for a few days.  We also visited with the staff and VC people again and drove back to the office. We spent 5 minutes at the office and loaded the van with things for Erith to finish off the flat for the Sanders.  We met the Wakeleys there and they passed us the keys and they left for an appointment.  We put up the new frame and the mattress fit perfectly.  Made the bed, folded towels and blankets.

Elder Wallace dropped me off at home to fix dinner while he picked up the Davis.  We served a Cottage pie, green salad, rolls and the Davis brought a fruit salad and some dessert.  We played Mormon Bridge and a game of 5 Crowns.  We visited and talked until about 9 pm.  Did not realise it was so late.  Elder Wallace to the Davis home while I cleaned up and we went to bed.

Yes a busy and productive day on the road.
