Monday, 16 April 2018

Monday, 16 April 2018

Quick overview:

Went to Costco with Sister Harkness for three hours besides stopping for lunch at Smith & Western.  Sister Harkness ordered a hamburger with chips and a drink and I ordered a fajita wrap. I drove!!! Okay - I have to get excited when I drive.  Sister Harkness had a headache and could not drive.  I love to drive in England even if is scary and a bit intimidating at times.  Sister Harkness was buying food for Zone Conference on Thursday and buying food for MLC for Tuesday.  We are having Enchilda casserole with a Taco salad without meat for MLC.  I am in charge of the salad and dessert. President Gubler wanted a special treat for the missionaries because they reach a goal.  The special dessert is ice cream with bananas, strawberries, snickers, brownie bites, M&M's, sprinkles, hot fudge, caramel and whipping cream.  Everything for a big heart attach - well a big stomach ache.
Flowers from the Seamons

We spent the evening with Elder and Sister Davis.  We had delicious chicken, rice and veggie dinner with frozen cherry cheese cake for dessert.  We played Mormon Bridge and Five Crowns.  We had a wonderful time and left at 8:30 pm. We went to give the Seamans one last hug and good-bye.  Sister Seamans sent me home with a vase of beautiful flowers that were given to her by the Bishop.  They are leaving tomorrow if
Seamons and Murdocks
everything goes as planned.  I am sad to see them leave.  They are special to us and I know they will be blessed in the mists of their trials. 
Mike and Kim Seamons and us.
Love this couple!!!


  1. It's impossible to read your blogs without getting really, really hungry!


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