Friday, 27 April 2018

Friday, 27 April 2018

  • The Parkers invited the Maddens, Sister Gorgas and Sister Harkness, and us to go to Lewes Castle and town (Lewes is said Lewis)  Gorgas and Harness backed out because of the cold and prediction of rain.  We didn't care how cold or how rainy we wanted an adventure and got one.  
  • Sister Parker brought lunch to the office at noon because it will be Elder Parker's birthday on Saturday.  She had prepared ham and cheese sandwiches, chips, grapes and a frosted brownie for dessert.
  • We took the van and all six of us fit comfortable.  Elder Parker drove while the Maddens and Elder Wallace sat in the back set.  I got to ride up front with the Parkers.  And yes it did rain.  Not a little but a lot.  The rains came and then stopped for 10 minutes and the rains would start again.  This was more than a little rain storm.  
  • We first bought tickets and then saw a short video about Lewes Castle and how many times it changed hands and who had it.  There is a bloody battle  in 1264 at Lewes were 2700 men were  killed. This was built about 800 BC and even the Romans took over for awhile. 
  • We went into a few shops.  One was a pottery shop where everything was made in Poland.  They had some beautiful dishes.  The next stop was a flea market store or another name for a second hand store.  It had everything from suits of armor, watches, clothes, furniture and a old fashion deep sea diving helmet.  I found a few things to buy but decided against it.  But I didn't love them enough.
  • We tried to find a place for dinner at the Elephant and Crown but it didn't serve dinner till after 6 pm.  We decided we didn't want to wait that long. We drove to East Grinstead and ate at Paglia e Fieno, a small Italian place.  They served what is called dirty meat which is like a pot roast.  We ordered pizza which was delicious.  Clark loved the crust.  I had a green salad that was different from any other.  It had BBQ zucchini wrapped around greens like mini spinach leaves but on a vine and lighter green.  It had tomatoes and olives with a yummy garlic salad dressing. 
  • Elder Parker took us back home and we said good night to our guests.  The Maddens and the Parkers are going to Seven Sisters tomorrow.  

Lewes Castle

Remind me of The Battle of Lewes in 1264

Standing on the top of the tallest part of the Castle

Learned how to take a selfie.

Maddens and me!

Good view of a part of the castle.

We stopped and shopped at a flea market. I love this saying on a pitcher.
"Here's to the wind that blows,
And the ship that goes,
And the boy that fears no danger.
A ship in full sail,
And a find pleasant gale,
And a girl that love's a sailor.

James Pelling
Presented to
Councillor James Pelling
By a few friends as a slight recognition of
the service he has rendered in many good causes

Thomas Paine lived in this house.

Thomas Paine lived in this house in 1768-1774

We drove to East Grinstead and ate at Paglia e Fieno.

Some ordered dirty beef.  We had pizza and a salad.
