Friday, 20 April 2018

Friday, 20 April 2018

What a gorgeous day in England!!!  It is the third day of warm weather and blue skies which reminds me of home.  The first thing we did at the office was to open the door to the office.  We spent the better part of the day in the office.  It amazes me I stay so busy!  In my mind I have a agenda planned yet not quite making it happen.  I need a day without phone calls, emails, and visitors but it makes the day interesting and entertaining.  Never a dull moment!  We arrived at the same time Sister Gorgas arrived and I had Elder Wallace let me out so I could open the door and say we were first to the office.  Sister Gorgas is fun to be around and makes us laugh.  She is perky, vegetarian, exercising and healthy person.  She has a contagious laugh and is a bit silly.  She claims I am her boss and we tease about it all the time.  She has worked in a law firm and is a detailed and focused person.  She would be my first pick if I were putting together a team of workers.

Sister Gunther (?) came into the office asking if we had a crock pot.   We did and a potato masher and a cup cake tin.  We love the ability of sharing anything that's in the storage shed.  The Maddens, Wells, Davis (several times) a grounds worker, and Perry came to the office for visits or water.  I guess that is what you get when you have an 'open door' policy!!!

The Parkers were gone after 10 am for the weekend.  Towards the end of the day, Elder Wallace and I were alone in the office.  It's time for a kiss and back to work.  We also spent the last 20 minutes cleaning the office waiting to go out to dinner with the Maddens and Wells.  We went to Fayre and Square, one of our favourite places and had dinner.   We said our good-byes to the Maddens and went and played games in the Accommodations with the Wells.  We got to learn about their six children and 28 grandchildren, mission in South Africa, Germany and now England.

It was a happy day!  We are very blessed living in England and serving a mission.


  1. This was a good week for blogs! We love the little details and your testimony of the work!


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