Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

I was awake at 2 am and could not go back to sleep.  I re-read the lesson for Institute and messenger-ed  Paul.  We talked for 45 minutes.  It was so fun to hear his voice again.  He is having problems with with his feet and had shots in them today.  I learned about the new metal door between the two parts of the house and about his job.  Just love that guy!!!  He turned 59 a few days ago.  I finally went to sleep and slept till just after 7 am. 

Loved working at the office and getting caught up. The sun was shinning and everyone was a bit tired from Zone Conference.  Elder Wallace and I had time to go grocery shopping for Institute tonight and have a quick bit to eat and back to the office.  I was getting sleepy so we went for a walk around the London Temple. The temple is closed for cleaning and we saw several missionary couples working on the grounds.   The temple missionaries get two weeks off to travel or time off and the other two weeks they spend working in the temple, grounds or Accommodations. I got a call from my brother, Dan.  He and Julia are coming to England and trying to set up a few days to be with us.  One of the highlights of the day is to hear we get to see family.  We came home at 4 pm and took a little nap.  I was so grateful for the sleep. I am thankful for naps and a tender mercy that we had the time for one.   It was refreshing and just what I need to make it through Institute. 

We left extra early for Institute since we were setting up, doing lessons and food.  I was looking over my lesson while in the car when Elder Wallace took a wrong turn.  Well, to make a long story short and an extra 20 minutes, we arrive at the Crawley Stake Centre.  3 Nephi 17-22 were the chapters we covered tonight at Institute .  Elder Wallace gave an inspiring lesson on prayer and I talked about the scattering and gathering of Israel. We had excellent discussions and participation.  We love our students.  We arrived home and Elder Wallace cleaned up while I wrote the blog.
