Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Tuesday, 6 March 2018

The weather was warm and the sun even shone for awhile.  We wore jackets to work and felt very comfortable.  Today the work seemed to go on and on.  We worked at the office all day and only left for lunch at 1:30 pm.  One bright part of our day was hearing from Emily.  We got to talk to Claire and hear her say grandpa! She has the puffiest cheeks and pink lips and fair complexion. We love that little girl. Worked until 5 pm and returned home to work on the lessons for Institute.  We had fish and chips and peas for dinner.  The frozen fish and chips in the store taste as good as the fish and chips we order at a pub.  Another bright part of our day was talking to Dennis and Mary Kaye.  It was so good to FaceTime them.  They looked so good in their missionary clothes and bright smiles.


  1. What do you do in the office? I was confused about your fish and chips comment. Do you make your own fish and chips at home?


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