Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Tuesday, 13 March 2018

We were up getting ready for Zone Conference at 6 am.  We made a sauce for Swedish meatballs for the missionaries.  Elder Wallace drove to Crawley to deliver mail, food and other items for Zone Conference.  He then proceeded to take Elder Stein to Heathrow Airport to go home to Germany.  He needs an operation and will return.  While Elder Wallace was on the road, Sister Harkness and I were back at the Accommodations cutting, cooking and making mashed potatoes for 100 missionaries.  While the potatoes were cooking, Sister Harkness and I played Five Crowns which she came off the winner.  The London Temple is closed for a month for a deep cleaning.  There is a crew of painters and I was able to get one of them to help carry potatoes to the car.  Bless him!  He didn't speak much English but enough that he understood what I needed.  I drove Sister Harkness to the Crawley Stake Centre and we arrived 30 minutes before lunch with piping hot potatoes keeping hot in a warmer. Many hands make light work as the saying goes.  The senior missionaries did their parts by bringing food and helping set up and prepare the meal.  The meal was a big success and all the potatoes and meatballs were gone except some of the sauce which Sister Harkness and I took home.

The mission office became busy again as the staff arrived.  We came home a few minutes early and put our feet up and watch a Valentine Hallmark movie, ate leftovers and relaxed for awhile.  We spent the rest of the evening working on Institute lessons.
