Thursday, 22 March 2018

Thursday, 22 March 2018

It is Thursday night as I write the blog.  Will read it in the morning to see if it makes any sense.

Elder Wallace slept till almost 7:30 am.  We took our time this morning going to the office.  While Elder Wallace got ready for the day, I worked on flats that might be closing in a couple of months.  I did spend a few hours yesterday calling senior couples and discussing flats in their zones.  It looks like we could close up to 15-16 flats in a few months and not replacing them.  It means a lot of packing, moving, cleaning and organising.  Mind boggling!!!

I went with Sister Harkness to President and Sister Gubler's home to deliver pass along cards the week before Easter.  President Gubler was doing missionary interviews for the Maidstone Zone.  We got to say hello to the missionaries.  We didn't stay long and turned around and drove home.  Sister Harkness talked about her life story which was quite interesting.  She is very bright and talented and has and is help me with some of my work load.  I do love her.  She invited us for dinner tonight.  I was so excited that I didn't have to cook and knowing Elder Wallace would get a good meal.  While I was gone, Elder Wallace vacuumed our car and Sister Gorgas's car.  I was able to get contracts on two flats, one is in Crystal Palace and the other in Hastings.  Elder Wallace went home for lunch and had pulled pork sandwiches.  He brought me an apple and the rest of the meat of pulled pork.  My stomach is feeling better and I am going to stay off milk and wheat for a few weeks and see what happens to my stomach.  We left the office to get gas, withdraw money from the bank and buy a head of lettuce and an avocado at the Farmers Market.  I am bringing salad for dinner.

We meet Sister Harkness at the Accommodations and had a lovely dinner of ribs, baked potato, broccoli, and green salad with cranberry juice.  We cleaned up and played Five Crowns.  I won!!! I am not gloating to much.  Elder Wallace is preparing get a UK drivers license.  He took three practice tests on a computer program.  He is almost through with the Driving Book which is 500 pages.
