Thursday, 15 March 2018

Thursday, 15 March 2018

It is Robert Clarke's birthday and we wished him a happy birthday through email.  Hope he had a special birthday.  He deserves it.

It rained all night and was clear and the sun shining when we left for the office.

We spent the day doing flat checks in Brighton and Crawley.  First was Sister Shumway and Sister Jenkin place in Crawley.  We love our sisters and their dedication to the work of the Lord. Elder Botta and Elder Skaue live in the same building.  The carpets were a great improvement from the last time we saw the flats. It made a big difference in the look of the flats.  After checking the elders flat we drove them to Brighton to do an exchange with the Zone Leaders, Elder Hardy and Elder Lawson.  The ZL had an appointment so they did an exchange and Elder Hardy did the flat check with me.  We had extra time waiting for the other missionaries to arrive back and we cleaned the flat of old missionary things  .  I took a few things right across the street to a charity shop while the men took two boxes and a big bag of things to the rubbish bin.  The Elders carried two big bags of Book of Mormon in Chinese to our car and we met up with the other Elders at a fast food pub.  We got to watch Elder Hardy and Elder Skaue street contacting several people. It was great watching the elders spend their time wisely and watch them in action.  Very impressive!
Elder Hardy and Skaue street contacting in front of Grubbs.
We had hamburgers and fries and tap water at the Grubbs Burgers.  I had a lamb burger.  I loved the tenderness of the meat.  The missionaries go to Grubbs for hamburgers all the time. Our joy was paying for their meal.  We left the other four missionaries and drove to pick up Elder Robertson and Elder DeCarlo doing a service project.  They were helping a less active member paint a fence and the outside the house.  We had one flat, the Brighton 2 missionaries that scored an Excellent in all areas.  Elder Robertson and Elder DeCarlo - a big thank you!  We love the missionaries and excited they are taking care of their flats.  I did ask most of the missionaries to defrost their freezers.  Will give them another 6 weeks to do it. 

Elder Wallace dropped me off at home at 3 PM while he went back to the office for an hour.  I had a nice little nap and relaxed.  I think I have bursitis in the left hip.  Doing better after a rest.  We went for a walk down the lane while waiting for dinner to cook.  We had time to talk to Dan & Julia on FaceTime.  Nanette called us and we talked of their upcoming visit to us.  We are excited to see the Graviet Family!!!
