Sunday-Monday, 4-5 March 2018

Sunday, 4 March 2018

We attended the Crawley Ward meetings today.  We met with YSA Sunday School teachers and wife, President and Sister Mann after church to plan the "Grand Tour" where all the YSA in the Stake will visit each ward once during the year.  After church the ward will host a dinner and games to mingle and get to know each other.  We are planning  lunch for about 50 people.  President Mann is a past Stake President and a great teacher.  I love his lessons and have learn so much from him.  He asked the YSA students what they wanted out of life?  He talked about Abraham and Issac and their lives relating it to Christ and His Father.  I have found out that I can fast if I drink lots of water during the day.  I don't get the stomach cramps and headaches if I do that. My sweet husband gave me a blessing today.  I am so grateful for Clark honouring (English spelling of honor) his priesthood.  He has been a rock of faith in our marriage.

We fixed beef and rice dish to take to the  'Break the Fast' with the temple missionaries.  We had a nice visit and had the office missionaries come for dinner with us.  We sat by Elder and Sister Balm who will be going to the London Visitors Centre in April.  The rest of the day was reading Institute lessons, writing letters and blog and FaceTime with all our children and grandchildren.  In my mind when I say children I remember the wonderful time of their youth.  It was such a secure filling to have them all under our roof.  I should say adult children because they are where we were 25 years ago. 

Monday, 5 March 2018

It is Monday night at 9:23 PM.  I am so tired I can hardly keep my eyes open while writing the blog.   Clark got up early and took the Elder and Sister Wolsey to Gatwick Airport at 6:30 am.  They are flying to Scotland and Wales.  I got up and ready for the day by the time Clark arrived home.  Off to the office by 8 am!  We had our Monday devotional and Sister Parker gave an inspirational talk on Prayer with the song, "Did You Think to Pray".  Talked about what is happening this week with MLS and next week with Zone Conference.

We drove the van to Peckham in London to the sister flat to deliver bed frames and a dryer.  Sister Stephenson and Sister Molbek were anxious to not to sleep on the floor.  Clark took apart the metal bunk bed frame while I tightened up a dresser and fixed the vacuum.  We met Elder and Sister Pearce, the senior couple over the Wandworth Zone at the flat.  We set a date to return on Thursday and visit all the other flats to get rid of rubbish and furnish the flats with needed things. On our way home from London, we stopped at Gatwick and picked up the Davis' who had flown to France and Italy while the London Temple was closed.  A tender mercy that we arrived at the same time they were ready to be picked up. We stopped at Tesco so the Davis could pick up a few things for the week.  They don't have a car and not sure when the temple van will take them shopping.  We returned to the office to work a few more hours.

Elder and Sister Seamons came for pizza and salad tonight.   Sister Seamons helped fix the salad and did dishes afterwards.  She can come for dinner anytime.  I love doing dishes and talking.  It accomplishes two things at one time.  After they left, we had a nice visit with Jan and Stewart. They look great and doing great after their set backs last year.  We appreciate all they do for the us and the Wallace family.  They have been the ones to get us all together and keep in touch.  Thank you if you are reading this blog!  I haven't told you in a long time how much we have loved the Christmas Breakfast and dinners at your home.  You are the one to do baby and wedding showers.


  1. Is the low cost airline EasyJet popular among the missionaries for their short distance trips in Europe? Were the Wolseys going to Scotland and Wales on church business or for pleasure? We loved your comment about doing dishes!


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