Sunday-Monday, 25-26 March 2018

Sunday, 25 March 2018

Today was the Crawley Stake Grand Tour for the YSA.  All of the wards YSA will attend together  each wards during the year.  The ward will host a lunch and mingle with games. 

Flyer for Grand Tour
We were in charge of providing 4 crock pots and doing rice for 50.  We used the Instant Pot to make the rice during church because the stove tops and ovens don't work very well.  We arrived at Crawley Ward at 9 am to set up and start a batch of rice (5 cups).  Right after Sacrament Mtg. I started another pot of rice.  I made up 20 cups of uncooked rice.  We served BBQ meatballs with rice and green salad, meat & cheese trays, chips, rolls, dessert and drinks.  We had a great showing for the first Grand Tour.  The Lord is in the details.  When Elder and Sister Mann brought the food, they had bought 6 small bottles of BBQ sauce.  I was worried that it wasn't enough.  We debated about going home or to the store for more.  I also noticed that she had only bought 4 prepared salads from Costco.  We usually buy 7-8 bags for 50 people.  I told the sisters that the Lord would provided and He did.  The BBQ sauce seemed to multiply and there was plenty to cover the meatballs and put over the rice. There was a little leftover salad.  Elder and Sister Mann did a great job at buying the food.

One of the games for the Grand Tour was to balance a cookie on your forehead and try and get to your mouth without dropping it.  It took me three tries but I did it!  So proud of myself.  The cookie left chocolate on everyone's forehead.
LOL - We look kind of dorky doing
the cookie trick. Oreo cookies would be
a great idea. 

Brother Doughty got the first cookie
in his mouth.  Left with red tie.

We arrived home at 5 pm.  We rested for a few minutes and took back the things we borrowed from the mission office.  We had time to walk around the temple because of the extra hour of sunshine.  The London Temple has been closed for the past month and will open this Tuesday.  The temple grounds have spring flowers blooming everywhere.  The daffodils grow out of the middle of the lawn.  It looks like a sea of yellow daffodils.

Monday, 26 March 2018

Today was staff meeting at President and Sister Gubler's house.  The office staff, the Office Elders Pendleton and Tandyman, Sister Gorgas & Harkness, the Parkers and we climbed into the mission van at 12:08 pm.  The Gublers were doing the luncheon.  We called the Gublers when we were on the motorway on M25 learning the motorway had been closed.  Traffic was the worst we have ever been in.  We were going to be late.  It took us 2 1/2 hours to get to the Gublers which usually takes  45 minutes.  When we called President Gubler I thought he would tell us to go home.  President Gubler had BBQ chicken for us.  Sister Gubler had made homemade rolls, spinach salad and a potato and carrot casserole.  For dessert was ice cream bars of all kinds.  Sister Gorgas brings her own food since she is a vegetarian besides being on a strict diet of everything being natural. She is good about not telling us how she feels about our eating.  She doesn't like to help with food because she won't touch meat.

We had staff meeting and talked about the changes that will be coming with the closing of the mission.  We left full both spiritually and physically feed.  We went back on the M 25 in the opposite way and saw that M 25 was still closed.  They must of had a terrible accident which spilled something on the motorway.  It still took us an extra 45 minutes to get home.  Clark brought me home and left me to prepare dinner for our guests.  I put a small turkey roast in the oven, got the potatoes and carrots on the stove.  Elder Wallace picked up Charlie and Patu from the Three Bridges Train Station to our home for dinner.  We were able to serve dinner within 15 minutes of their arrival.  We then played a game of Five Crowns and I was the winner again!  We took Patu back to Charlie's flat and Charlie to another members house to sleep.   We proceeded to Crawley Train Station to pick up Elder Wall. Elder Wall is going to serve his mission in West Jordan Utah Mission. Fortunately he was late and so were we.

Arrived home to work on blog while Elder Wallace cleans up from dinner.  I have married the perfect husband.  He takes such good care of me.


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