Sunday, 18 March 2018

Sunday, 18 March 2018

My favourite day of the week - Sunday! I think I tell that every Sunday night in this blog.  The temperature in 32 degrees with winds and snow this morning.  I felt restless and wanted to get out of the house and walk for a short time but the cold prevented me from going.

Elder Wallace and I prepared the lesson for Sunday School with the YSA on Joseph and how the Lord will bless in our trials.  Joseph is a type of Christ in many ways.  Glad we had the opportunity in teaching these young people.

I made a green salad for dinner and Elder Wallace drove us over to the Temple Lodge and we ate dinner with the Wolseys.  I was so glad not to have to spend the day in the kitchen.  I was so Happy when Sister Wolsey invited us over.  Sister Wolsey had baked a potatoe, opened it up and put cheese and pulled pork on the potato.  We put sour cream and guacamole on the top.  YUMMY!! After dinner we taught the Wolseys' how to play Five Crowns.  They love to play games also.


  1. We loved Five Crowns, too, but I can't remember how to play! We have the game and I will have to get back into the swing of things.


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