Saturday, 17 March 2018

Saturday, 17 March 2018

We went to Windsor Castle with Elder and Sister Davis and Elder and Sister Madden.  The cold weather and snow flurries did not deter us from out trip to Windsor.  We had prepared for the cold.   We had invited the Maddens to go with us because they live 2 miles from Windsor Castle and met them in the parking lot.  As we approached the entrance into Windsor Castle we saw huge lines.  We only have four hours of parking.  We followed the Maddens right up the building and went into another door and passed the line of people.  We got our tickets and were in the centre of the castle within minutes.  We felt very grateful to have the Maddens with us.  Sister Madden explained that the long lines were for big groups and when we return again come in the same door.  Windsor Castle is the oldest and largest working castle in the world and Queen Elizabeth's preferred weekend home.  The flag flying on top of the castle lets you know if she is present or not.  The flag was flying today.  We saw St. Georges Chapel, Queen Mary's Dolls' House, and State Apartments which are dinning and reception halls. There was a fire in 1992 in one part of the castle and has been rebuilt.  It was an amazing place.  We are going back when we have more time.  St. Georges Chapel was my favourite place.  There so much to see.  We were not allowed to take pictures in any inside parts of the castle.

We had lunch a place called the Thai Buffet a block from the castle.  The food was delicious and we were able to serve ourselves quickly.  We have so much in common with the Davis'.  They will be our BFF in South Carolina.  We want to go cruising with them and love to play games. 

Elder Davis discovered he lost his missionary badge when he took of his coat to get in the car.  I felt bad and told him to order one through the mission office.  He decided to go look for the badge.  His first stop was at the Thai Buffet where we had lunch, then to Fudge shop where we tasted free fudge and watched fudge being made. After finding no badge, Elder Davis said a prayer to the Lord telling him that the badge meant a lot to him and he didn't want to lose it.  He then received an impression to go back to a part of the castle grounds where he had last seen the badge.  He asked a security guard at the gate about the badge.  He sent Elder Davis to another security guard who knew where the badge was.  Elder Davis related the story and had tears in his eyes while telling his experience to us.  Elder Davis said, "The Lord is really in the details of our lives."  And He is!!!

We arrived home to more snow flurries and biting cold weather but happy memories.  We spent the rest of the afternoon finishing laundry.  I cleaned the area rug by hand, ironed while Clark read the Sunday School lesson and had a nap.  I watched a Perry Mason Mystery movie without Perry Mason. (lol) I am able to do work if I take my mind off the tasks by listening to something.  I was able to lay down for a few minutes and take a short nap also. We had a light snack of an apple and veggies with dip.  Had study time together, visited with Nanette, Marjorie and girls (they reminded us that it was St. Patrick's Day), watched  Jeannie Robertson on YouTube.  She can makes us laugh at her witty sense of humour and her story telling.

The Wallace's and the Davis'
Elder Wallace with Elder and Sister Madden
Changing of the Guard can takes 20 minutes to perform.
It is done once a day at 11 am.

Changing of the Guard

Changing of the Guard


  1. Happy St. Patrick's Day! We had our French East Missionary dinner last night and had a wonderful time discussing the Creation.


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