Monday-Wednesday, 19-21 March 2018

Monday, 19 March 2018

I do love Mondays.  Not as much as I love Sundays!!!  We went to Costco at lunch time to buy cleaning products for the flats.  We also bought a rotisserie chicken for dinner. I have been craving a chicken from Costco.  Elder Wallace had a hot dog and drink and I had a Cottage Pie for lunch.  I think that will be the last Cottage Pie from Costcos I will buy.  We had to make another stop at Tesco to pick up the rest of the cleaning products.  We divided up the products to go to the 10 flats in our zone.

We had chicken and butternut squash and sweet potatoes and green salad for dinner.  After dinner we made chocolate chip cookies and banana nut muffins.  Elder Wallace took hot muffins to Grant & Emma while I packaged all the cookies into sets of 4 cookies to give to each set of missionaries.

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Elder Wallace caught me on camera
taking a nap. 
I woke up this morning sick to my stomach. Elder Wallace and I took a walk up and down the lane three times.  I decided to stay home and rest for the day.   Elder Wallace did a flat check in Espom and brought the missionaries back to Crawley for District meetings. He also took the cleaning products to the missionaries where he could give them out District Mtg.  The sister missionaries were excited for the cleaning stuff because they had been cleaning the bathroom and kitchen with water and soap. And the missionaries loved the cookies!   Elder Wallace came and got me to go into work.  I had a few flats I needed to work on and then took me back home to rest.  Elder Wallace made me chicken broth for dinner.  It tasted divine and settled down my stomach. We are so fortunate to live 1 1/2 miles from the London Temple and mission office.  We can come home in just a few minutes.  I still wonder how the Corbetts traveled 1 1/2 hours a day to and from work in Brighton.

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

I think the stress is getting to me.  Still having stomach pains.  I did go to work for a few hours this morning to work on flats and then I had Elder Wallace bring me back home.  It was a tender mercy that I was felt better to prepare dinner, teach institute, and enjoy the class.  The students enjoyed dinner.  They ate most of the pulled pork on rolls, chips, grapes and Oreo cookies for dessert.  Our lessons covered 3 Nephi 23-29.  We had some interesting comments and questions on prayer, judgement, and prophets.  I even took a picture of some of the members after Institute.  Diego from Italy was so proud of his new bike.  He won't have to walk 45 minutes to the chapel.  He works for the airlines.  Richard is newly baptised and from Hungary and wants to be a doctor.  I teased him about his pants with the all the holes and worn parts and said I would buy him new pants.  Kaylee is from South Africa, a joy to be around. She always has a twinkle in her eyes and a smile and a loving personality.  It is very interesting that all three of our students are from another countries.  Charlie went home early but is excited that Patu will be here this weekend. 

We got the chance to talk to Roger and Edie.  They were just leaving their apartment to see a performance from one of their YSA.  We were able to visit with them for a few minutes.  It was 11 pm here and sleep took me quickly after climbing into bed.
Left to right: Kaylee Richard and Diego.


  1. We were so glad to hear you are feeling better. We were worried because you hadn't written and figured you might be under the weather. You and the Dupaixs are always in our prayers.


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