Monday, 12 March 2018

Monday, 12 March 2018

Happy Birthday to my brother Paul!!!  Wish I were there to help celebrate.  I loved working with him in Real Estate and miss his witty personality.  He could always make me laugh.  I loved teaching Gospel Doctrine with him.  He loves to teach especially the gospel.  Do they still have the white board in the Multipurpose room?  I hope Paul's birthday was as fun as my typing the memories.

Breakfast most days consists of granola with almond milk and a fruit.  Elder Wallace likes bran flakes, raisins with milk and a fruit with fruit juice.  I hate to keep repeating food that we eat daily.  We hardly ever skip breakfast and find that it gives us our energy for the day.  Another ritual that we do each morning without fail is prayers, make the bed, straiten the house and get ready for the day.  Elder Wallace first takes a shower and I second so I can squeegee and clean the shower. It is a very small shower and because small works better in the shower! (Mould is prevalent in England with the humility.)  So when our posterity reads this blog they will know our routine for the mornings.  At home in Utah, Elder Wallace always cleaned the shower.

RAIN!!!  Lots of rain most of the day.  We arrived at the office at 8 am.  It was a busy day with lots of files and flats to work on. I got a call from Christine Good (I love her name) from a letting agent that we got a flat we wanted.  Yay, we got the flat! Still waiting for one more okay on a flat. I went shopping with Sister Harkness at Sainsbury for tomorrow Zone Conference.  Food and Preparation is the name of the game on Zone Conference days.  Sister Harkness was kind enough to drive me home so I could switch out the laundry.  Elder Wallace and I made it home for lunch.  When we returned I was a companion with Sister Stephenson who was leaving the mission early.  She has been struggling for months with health and mental problems.  I told her that she should be proud that she made it a year.  I told her that she went on a mission and doesn't need to tell anyone that she came home early.  It was hard leaving the office at 6 pm with still more to do.

Dinner was easy with leftovers from last nights dinner-cottage pie again. The rest of the evening was spent doing laundry and working on Institute lessons.  We talked with Mark for a few minutes.  Marion got braces and we got to see Colin's toothless smile.  He had lost another tooth. Colin is one of the happiest go lucky kid I know.
