Friday-Saturday, 9-10 March 2018

Friday, 9 March 2018

MLC in Staines today. Elder Wallace drove the van which was 1/2 loaded with rubbish. We meet Elder and Sister Madden at the Staine's chapel.  Sister Madden had stew going in crock pots.  My main job was to support Sister Madden and help with lunch for the missionaries.  Elder Wallace and Elder Madden took off to the missionaries in Staines to pick up more rubbish.  (Is there rubbish in Heaven?  Hope not!) The van was plum full of rubbish.  They drove to the Langley Rubbish & Recycle and cleaned out the van.  One of the workers at the centre thought Elder Wallace and Elder Madden was from a mortuary because they were wearing white shirts and ties and driving a van. They were back within an hour and checking out cars.  Lunch was a success with the stew.  She needed four crock pots of stew instead of three. The missionaries loved the rolls, green salad and dessert.  Dessert was a small round ball pastry with whipping cream inside covered with caramel and chocolate. Sister Madden is a great cook and great ideas.   We f.i.n.a.l.l.y got home about 6 pm.  Lots of people makes lots of traffic and lots of congestion!

 We were happy to be home.  Ate a light dinner and studied our Institute lessons.  We are in charge of Institute for the next two weeks including food and lesson.  I want to be more prepared which means more time to study.  While studying, I kept the washing machine and dryer going. 

Saturday, 10 March 2018

Documenting our trip with a picture-
Parkers on the left and Maddens on the
right with us up front.  Clark holding
camera and I pushing the button.
We were up and going at 6 am.  I ironed Clark's white shirts and a pair of flannel pants and folded clothes.  We got ready early and out the door by 7:50 am.  We went into London with the Maddens, Parkers, and Pearces.  Elder Parker drove us to Datchet where the Maddens live.  After parking the car at Maddens, we all walked to the train station. It was our first trip on this train-line.  While waiting for the train it started to rain.  We pulled out our umbrellas and were happy and content with whatever weather we get.  We were prepared. We arrived at the Waterloo Train Station and walked to the Imperial War Museum and met up with the Pearces. We spent three hours looking at different types of war paraphernalia, read stories, and saw videos about WWI and WWII besides 9/11 and the holocaust.  England did not want to celebrate war but to show what happens with conflict and the results.  Afterwards we walked to a Polish diner called Mamuska that the Pearces recommended!  I had the best meal of any of them.  I ordered pork steaks with gravy, potatoes and beats.  The meat just melted in your mouth.  When Elder Wallace brought me my meal I said, "That's not what I ordered!".  The dish was taken back and corrected.  Clark ordered a chicken steak with potatoes and carrots. 

We made the train to London! I love the
colour and comfort of the seats.
Wanted to show how crowded
Waterloo Station was. 
Imperial War Museum
Just leaving Mamuska!  Food was fabulous!

After lunch we all walked over to the Victory Bridge and saw Big Ben and a Parliamentary building. We were excited to see a bit of London and ready to go home.  I wore my FitBit and we walked over 10 miles.  On the way home we got a call from the Davis'.  We stopped over and played two games of SkipBo.  Clark won the first game and Tony Davis won the second.  We were exhausted when we finally arrived home but happy to see the sights and be with friends.  

Parliamentary Building

Picture taken on the bridge looking at Eye of London.
Notice the Thames River and other buildings.

Elephant and Castle was the name of an area in London.
I wondered why they called it Elephant & Castle
When I saw the elephant with a castle on its back.
Its a shopping centre also.

 the Eye of London in background.

Building is going on all over London.
Notice all the cranes on top of the building.

Eye of London up close and personal.


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