Friday-Saturday, 23-24 March 2018

Friday, 23 March 2018

We were on the road again!  Arrived at the office by 8 am.  I worked until 9:30 am and Elder Wallace took the Baums and the Wolseys to the train station.  We went to Oxford to pick up the Elder and Sister Beauchamp.  They are the senior couple over YSA in two wards.  They had all their things packed and ready to go to Guernsey.  We can only have a senior couple in Guernsey for 3 months at a time.  Guernsey is their own little country and if you stay to long you will have to pay income tax. Elder Beauchamp didn't get a UK drivers license.  After one year you cannot drive here.  The Beauchamps have been walking and taking buses and trains to where they need to go.  The Wells, a senior couple in Guernsey is switching places with the Beauchamps.  Elder Wallace and Elder Beauchamp when in one car while Sister Beauchamp and I went in another car.  I got to drive to Poole which took us over 2 1/2 hours to the Priemer Hotel near the ocean.  Sister Beauchamp and I talked and talked besides eating popcorn, apples, carrots and drinking water.  I learned so much about her husband, kids and grandchildren.  They have 3 boys and 1 girl and 18 grandchildren.  They have had some heartaches in their family but remain strong in faith and testimony. 
The Wallaces and Beauchamps.
We were fortunate to get someone to take
our picture from the City Cruise Ship.
Can you see the Altlantic Ocean?

This ship is not as impressive as in real life. 
It is a beautiful sleek new ship!
Man on the right that took our picture.

I loved the variety of colours and design on this building.
Hard to take a picture in the car.
We arrived safely to Priemer Hotel and unpacked the suitcases and help the Beauchamps to their room and drove to the peer where the Beauchamps need to go tomorrow.  We got to see the Atlantic Ocean.  There were so many ships and boats that we couldn't see much of the ocean.  We stopped and took a few pictures before said goodbye to the Beauchamps with hugs and best wishes in Guernsey.  Here is something interesting: Beauchamps can drive in Guernsey!!! When they return they can drive in the UK. 

Beefeater with a thatched roof. 
We stopped and had dinner at the Beefeaters.  Elder Wallace ordered fish and chips and I ordered steak and a salad.  We arrived home at 8:30 pm and were grateful for our warm place, bed and sleep. We did talk to the Dennis Doyle as he was giving blood.  (LOL)   We also called Emily and saw her new dishwasher and little Claire.  Claire will blow us kisses and say, "Hello, Granpa".  Okay - I miss that little girl so much.  Well, I miss all the grandchildren, but Claire is my favourite youngest grandchild.

Saturday, 24 March 2018

While cleaning the flat and doing laundry, Sister Harkness called and needed help.  She need to do mailing for most of the missionaries in the mission and it needed to be in the mail today.  Elder Wallace dropped me off at the office and continued on to do the grocery shopping.  Together Sister Harkness and I learned how to merge a list of names to put on labels.  We were so proud of ourselves.  There was a learning curve but we did it.  Elder Wallace returned to the office to help put meter stamps on the packages.  Then we put the mail in the car and drove to East Grinstead to the post office.  We returned home and had a bite to eat and took a drive to the Knole.  It is a palace that sits on a 1000 acres and is one of the largest palaces in England.   Returned home to finish laundry and write on blog.  It has been a wonderful day.
