Friday, 16 March 2018

Friday, 16 March 2018

45 years of living and loving with Clark K. Wallace.  JOY!!!  We had many people wish us a Happy Anniversary on Facebook besides a call from Nanette and Emily.

We went into the office as usual and when we told them it was our Anniversary they couldn't believe that we stayed at the office and worked.  Everyone said to leave and spend the day together.  We did come home for a bite to eat of apples, veggies and dip for lunch.  We had planned to go out for a nice dinner and games afterwards with the Davis but plans get changed and you have to adapt.  We arrived at 4:45 pm to pick up the Seamans and their children and grandchildren from the Lingfield Train Station.  We had to take a van and a car to fit all the family.  BUT - they didn't arrive.  We decided to stick around for the next train and no Seamans.   A third train came and no Seamans.  They arrived on the fourth train tired and happy from their trip to London.  We met the family and loaded them into the van and the car and drove to the London Temple. (I got to drive!  It is such a treat when I can have the opportunity to drive.)  They wanted to see the temple and where the Seamans lived.

Okay - the tender mercy and miracle was seeing Dave and Melody Webb.  There was a black station wagon that couldn't get into the temple gates and I stopped behind them.  As Dave came to the car I recognised him.  What a joyous surprise!  Clark pulled in beside me with the van and opened the gate.  We let the Seamans off for a few minutes while we hugged and cried with the Webbs.  The Webbs and we couldn't believe we saw each other.  The Webbs were just about to back up and leave.  We had a nice visit in the closed Visitors Centre.  It is nice to have keys to the buildings on the temple grounds.  We said our goodbyes to the Webbs and loaded up the Seamans clan and took them the 'Sandman Hotel' in Crawley.  It was a little late for dinner so we came home and had toasted cheese sandwiches and promised an Anniversary dinner for Saturday night!  We travelled back to the London Temple to play games with the Davis'.  It was a good game night for us.  Clark won the first set of Five Crowns and I won the second game.

Dave & Melody Webb with the Wallaces in the Visitors Centre.
