Tuesday-Thursday, 20-22 February 2018

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

We were just amazed at how full the van was for
Zone Conference. 
We were in the office most of the day and packed the van for Zone Conference in Poole.  We drove the van home with us so we didn't have to go to the office in the morning. I was able to catch up on the laundry and ironing.  We have a very busy week.  I still am having pain in the hip.  We are excited that we have Elder and Sister Sabin from the Area Mission joining us. He is a Seventy and works with Dan and Julia in the Frankfort, Germany. He is taking a tour of the England London South Mission.  He will be with us three days to talk to the missionaries.  We spent the evening reading the Institute lesson.

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

We woke at 5:30 am and was out the door by 6:30 am and headed to Poole.  It took us almost 3 hours to drive to Poole.  We arrived at the Poole Chapel and had help unloading all the packages and mail from the missionaries.  The missionaries were all in the chapel at 9:30 am and ready to meet Elder and Sister Sabin.  We got to shake hands before the meeting started.  President and Sister Gubler spoke first and talked about the teachings of Moroni.  Moroni was three things: Disciple, Defender, and Finisher.  After the Nephites had all died in 385 and Moroni lived 36 years alone.  His last writing was in 421 AD.  These are some of the things that Moroni taught us: Baptism matters, Just One More-the one matters to the Lord, Labor of Love-no fear, work for the right reason, diligence, still a God of miracles, In His strength I can do all things, and was a Finisher like Christ.

Sister Sabin talked to the missionaries about not being stressed out.  She said, "Stretch not Stress".  We are the ones that put the stress on ourselves.   You could feel her reaching out to all of us with love.  Elder Sabin talked about Celestial Steps that people need to understand.  He presented it in such a simplified way.  We were so grateful that we were able to listen to all the morning session of Zone Conference.  A sweet and uplifting time!

The senior missionaries served food onto plates for the missionaries.  We were able to reconnect with missionaries from the VC and office.  I took the photo for the Zone Conference since I knew we would have the photo in Crawley.  We left right after lunch so we could avoid the heavy traffic.  Surprise - we arrive home in about 2 1/2 hours.  We stopped at Tescos for rolls, meat, cheese, lettuce, and chips for the dinner at Institute. We arrived at the Crawley Stake Centre early to help set up chair and tables for the East Zone Conference in the morning.  Tables were all set with paper.  Elder Wallace and I helped with decorations, napkins and silverware.  After setting up for zone conference we went across the hall to Institute.  I loved the discussion on Nephi and Samuel the Laminite in Helaman 10-16. YSA liked the food we brought.  We finally made it home and into bed by 11:30 pm.  The Lord blessed us with energy and stamina for waking up so early.  It was a tender mercy. 

Thursday, 22 February 2018

Our wonderful missionaries with Elder & Sister Sabin.
Elder Wallace is the photographer.
East Zone Conference today.  Elder Wallace drove the van and I drove Sister Harkness in our car to Crawley Stake Centre.  Sister Harkness was impressed that I didn't need the GPS.  Elder Wallace and I were put in charge of the dessert. We had to cut cakes and place them on the table before lunch. We got to shake Elder and Sister Sabin's hands again before the conference.  What a wonderful treat!  Love just radiated from Elder and Sister Sabin when she we shook hands and hugged.  It was a special treat to hear the talks again.  We sat through most of the talks but left during the end of Elder Sabin's talk to put out the dessert. Elder and Sister Parker had worked so hard on cooking the ham and bow tie pasta. Everything was delicious and very filling.  After lunch I took Sister Harkness back to the office.  Elder Wallace and I met back at the office and went home.  Elder Wallace studied for his drivers license while I worked on the lap top.  Where is Steve Morrison when you need him?  I was able to download a program that now plays DVD's.  Another blessing! We did start to play a BBC called 'Little Dorrit' by Charles Dickens.  Decided we don't have the time to finish the series.  We spoke with Emily to see if Jasmine had the baby today.  She told us about the snow storm and updated us on the grand-kids and the chickens.  Time for bed.
Notice the long tables with 120 missionaries. We had over 50
flags from 50 different countries.


  1. Yep, you gotta keep up with the info on the chickens! Are they laying frozen eggs? Do you ever read our comments? RSVP if you do. I'm betting you don't!


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