Sunday, 25 February 2018

Sunday, 25 February 2018

We got another early morning phone call from the sisters in Bristol.  Sister Neilson said the boiler had no pressure again.  They filled it up again last night and this morning.  I had them call the senior couple, Elder and Sister Costley to get a space heater.  Tender Mercy - the Costleys were going to their ward today and they were able to get a space heater from another flat.
Selfie on my Birthday

Clark fixed me breakfast for my birthday - eggs, hash browns, whole wheat toast, and orange juice.  He is such a sweetheart.  He had to take the Wolseys to Gatwick Airport.  They were meeting their daughter who was flying in and taking the train with her to London for a few days.  The London Temple closed yesterday for a month.  The temple missionaries are travelling all over.  We picked up the Seamans at 9:20 am to took them the East Grinstead Ward and Clark took them to the train East Grinstead train station after Sacrament Meeting.  Sister Seamans had a dear friend and her daughter arrive in London and they were going to have lunch with them.  Clark is a regular Taxicab driver.  Whenever he hears that someone needs to go to the train station or airport, Clark volunteers to take them.

Fun to have friends celebrate your birthday.  Left to right:
The birthday girl, Sister Harkness, Sister and Elder Parker,
and Elder and Sister Madden. (Clark taking the picture)
Sister Gubler called and wished me a Happy Birthday and Nanette called right after her.  We got to talk to Roman and Jeff before they had to go to church. We got to talk to Emily and family, and Marjorie and family during the night.  Friday evening Lesley Bridgstock brought over a Birthday Card from Dot Pace.  How generous and loving people are to me.

We had company come for dinner.  Sister Harkness brought a German Chocolate Birthday cake, Sister Madden brought a fruit salad, and Sister Parker brought a green salad, ice cream and rolls.  We provided roast, mashed potatoes, gravy and veggies.  What a wonderful birthday dinner with such wonderful people.  It was even a treat that the men cleaned up and did the dishes.  Elder Pendleton and Elder Neunedorf came over for dessert.  The Maddens and Parkers left and the missionaries and Sister Harkness and we played games for 40 minutes.

The last phone call of the night was by my brother Dan.  We talked for a few minutes and off to bed.  I had a chance to read his blog.  How wonderful to travel all over Europe and meet such wonderful YSA.


  1. And a Happy Belated Birthday wish to you! We weren't paying attention to the calendar until it was too late. I'm still in a great deal of pain from my fall and had to sleep in the recliner last night. Mary Kaye is very sick and has been coughing for two days. She'll miss our district meeting tomorrow, but I'll need to go to take the elders. Love you two! You are doing such a great job!


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