Sunday, 18 February 2018

Sunday, 18 February 2018

 We are very, very busy and yet love what we are doing.  We love the missionaries and getting to know them.  They are strong and bold and teach with testimony and the spirit.  They are finding great success in spreading the gospel.  It is so fun to be part of the work. 

Today we attended Epson Ward.  Sister Alice Trevor is going to Italy on a mission and talked in church today.  She is going to be a great missionary. 
Sister Alice Trevor.  She sang a song for
the Sacrament Meeting.  They must of had
over 30 people come that weren't members.
WOW! I call that being a missionary!
She is one of the YSA.  We don't see her much at Institute yet we have enjoyed getting to know her when we attended the Epsom Ward.  I feel a bit disjointed because we do don't have a ward we belong to.  No home/visiting teachers, no ward callings and no teaching - which makes me very sad!  I am so glad that we can teach Institute every month.  The Epson Ward had a munch and mingle which Alice's mother organised.  I cannot believe the spread the ward put on.  Notice the pictures!  I brought BBQ Meatballs from Costco.  Elder Wallace suggest it and I jumped at the chance of not fixing Sunday dinner and doing dishes.  
Brother and Sister Smith are always ready for a picture.
Notice the full tables of food and that does not include
dessert.  It will be coming in a few minutes.  Sister Smith
is the Relief Society President.  We love the Epsom Ward.

Kitchen full of cakes and other goodies.

We attended a Hi and Bye Meeting with the temple workers.  When people come and go they have a meeting to introduce themselves and those leaving get to say good-bye and bare testimony.  Love to hear the temple missionaries talk about their experiences and what they have learned by serving a mission at the temple.  It is sweet and tender and touching!  Everyone brings something to munch on.  Not quite a dinner but a spread of different foods.  I baked mini-brownies this morning.  Check them out.  Couldn't get them out of the tins.  I need to buy paper for the mini-cupcake tin.  This is a picture of the before and after brownies.

We were able to talk to our two wonderful daughters, Nanette and Emily.  I love FaceTime to feel connected to family and friends. We talked to Dan and Julia.  We love our visits and enjoy the experiences and stories from their travels.  
I almost gave up on these brownies.  That's what I get
for making brownies on Sunday.
I cut off the bottoms of the brownies so they would
sit flat on the plate and decorated the tops with frosting.
I did encourage people to try the brownies.
They tasted good and chewy. 

As we were leaving the Espom Ward the children were playing with
blowup Light Savers.  Well-it kept the kids busy during the Mix and Mingle.
