Monday, 19 February 2018

Monday, 19 February 2018

I opened the door to find out what kind of weather we were going to have this morning.  RAIN!  I will not complain because we had four days of beautiful days for blue sky, warmer weather, and dry roads.  Elder Wallace and I are travelling to Eastbourne and Hasting today.  We got to see the ocean again.  How I wanted to stop and watch the waves and breathe in the salty air.  We were working!  And it was raining.

We arrived in Eastbourne at 9:30 am and collected two wing back chairs to take to the rubbish.  While hauling out a chair we saw a lady writing us a ticket.  We are hoping that she changed her mind about giving us one.  We told her we were there for 5 minutes to load the chairs and leave.  I didn't realise that we needed to buy a parking pass.  It won't happen again.

Next stop was to Hasting to load two box springs and a mattress.  The van was full except for a rectangle area.  There was a small chair of some sort sitting outside a flat in a pile so we put it in the van to go to the rubbish.  It made the area look so awful and it was so easy and available for us to take.   We loaded Elder Tollestrup and Elder Tokaragi and ourselves in the van and went to see about renting a new flat.  I was not impressed with the flat right from the beginning.  I didn't have a good feeling about it.  The Elders called latter and we talked about another flat that was available.  They will check it out on Friday.  It is even a better place for them which is closer to the market and train station.  I felt bad that I was so negative about the flat but it was old and smelly and old windows yet the view was fantastic.  It was right across the street from a huge park that went for a mile.  It was an amazing park.  We took the Elders back to their flat.  I got chilled and they made me hot chocolate which was the best I have had since living in England.  We left the Elders and drove to a Hasting Rubbish Recycling and dropped off our rubbish.

We came back home and I rested for an hour while Elder Wallace went back to the office.  I think I am experiencing bursitis in the left hip.  Ibuprofen does the trick and Sister Gorgas gave me some Deep Blue Rub by doTerra.  Feeling much better.  We worked until almost 6 pm.  We made a green salad with tomatoes, avocado, and Sparta Halloumi cheese.  OHHH-the Halloumi cheese tastes like cheese curd and so tasty.  It does not melt when you cook it.  Sister Gorgas gave us the Halloumi cheese and it was the first night we tried it.  It is the local cheese of Cyprus.  We picked it up at Costco for Sister Gorgas.  Can't wait to do stir fry with it. We also cooked up a frozen Chicken and Asparagus Pie.  And for dessert we had GU cheesecakes.  Well, the cheesecake comes in it own glass jar and is to die for --- well gain weight for.  Can I say it was our FHE dessert?
