Friday, 23 February 2018

Friday, 23 February 2018

Brownies and Potatoes!  We baked brownies and potatoes this morning for MLC.  Thanks to Sara, our next door neighbour (English spelling), for giving me foil to cook the potatoes at 7 am this morning.  She is a sweetheart.  Went to work at the office till 10:15 am and off with baked potatoes and brownies to MLC at the Staines Chapel.  We got there in time for helping setup lunch for the missionaries and Elder and Sister Sabin and President and Sister Gubler.  Sister Madden headed up the lunch while Elder Madden and Elder Wallace checked out the cars.  Lunch was a big success and the Sabins and Gulbers loved the dessert-brownies w/ice cream, hot fudge topping with caramel sauce and whipping cream on top.  I must say it was very good.  We have become a fan of the Ghirardelli brownie mix from Costco. It was nice to be with Sister Madden and watch her work.  I think we are out of the same mold!  We did have a chance to have a bite to eat after the missionaries finished.  We cleaned up with the help of the husbands and got home to work in the office for another few hours. 

We went to the Fayre and Square Pub not far from the London Temple with the Seamans.  They are going to London on Sunday morning and off the France on Monday.  The temple is closed for cleaning and repair for the next month.  After dropping them off to the Lodge across from the temple we picked up Sister Harkness and played 2 games of Five Crowns with Elder Wallace winning both of them.  Sister Harkness has become a dear friend and sister. 

I don't talk much about our ritual in the evening of reading scriptures and prayers.  It is a tender time when we can pick up the scriptures and pray together and privately.  I was asleep in 1 minute after climbing into bed. 
