Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Wednesday, 24 January 2018

We woke at 4 am and called Nanette and Marjorie.    Got to visit with Roman and see him with his cello.  Saw Tyler and the Teddy playing. We had a wonderful visit. Went back to sleep for a bit.

My brother, David has his 65th birthday today.  I was able to send him a birthday email.  We are 1 year, 1 month and 1 day apart.  It must of been like a set of twins having babies 13 months apart!  Wow - how did Mom do it?   It rained all day!  The wind howled and the rain came!

Had to record our experience travelling on a small
country road.  (It was scary!)
I went to the audiologist today.  We drove the van thinking the appointment was in East Grinstead and we would visit two of our flats that were closing and load the van.  The appointment was at 9 am.  I put the postal code in and it was taking us in another direction and not toward East Grinstead.  The Sapnat (GPS) took us through many small towns and on a small country road.  (Watch Video) We weren't going to arrive until 9:30 am for the appointment.  The audiologist took my information over the phone and told Elder Wallace to drop me off.  He didn't have anyone coming in till 10 am and had appointments all day.  It was a tender mercy we made it to the audiologist and he was still able to see me.  His name was Neil and he took me back and and took a picture of my ears. He showed me on a computer screen the inside of my ears and the wax buildup.  I have had wax washed out with water and it hurt so bad I had to have them stop.  He used a small vacuum and was able to get out all the wax.  It was a relief to hear again.  No side effects!  I am keeping Neil's name and number if anyone has ear wax problems.

Arrive back at the office at about 11:30 am.  We left at 1:30 pm to go for lunch and visit the flats we were going to go to earlier in the day.  Arrived back at the office.  Worked till 4:30 pm and left to go fix soup for Institute.  Rested for a short time, read part of the lesson and made Stone Soup.  Sister Madden made Stone Soup for us a few weeks and I love it.  It tasted good but I put to much brown rice in it.  Will try the recipe again. (There is no recipe-just add what you have in the fridge and pantry)  We were able to visit with Dad, Lynne and Dee.  It was so fun to talk and see them.  Dad was playing the piano when I called.  I am so thankful for technology!

We had a wonderful time at Institute with the YSA.  We had a great discussion on Korihor and how the Book of Mormon is simple to understand and how it portrays the right and wrong so clearly.  I had been fasting for the day and at 9:30 pm the soup just tasted so good to me.  I also served a broccoli salad with the soup and baguettes.  The salad came from MLC.  Home at 10:30 pm.  It was still raining when we got home.


  1. So glad you got your hearing back! I clean my ears regularly and even had one doctor say, "I've never seen ears this clean before!"


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