Tuesday-Thursday, 9-11 January 2018

Tuesday, 9 January 2018

I couldn't get up this morning.  Clark told me to stay in bed and stay in bed I did.   Bed felt good and I don't motivated to do anything.  It was Zone Conference in Crawley today.  Clark spent the better part of the day helping at Zone Conference.  He is a wonderful, hard working man and I love him dearly.  In my personal prayers I thank the Lord daily for him. 

We received a Christmas Card from the Doyles and a typed one page letter from my Dad.   It was a treat when you don't get many letters.  We loved the Doyles Christmas Card with their pictures on it.

Wednesday, 10 January 2018

We had a sweet sister missionary go back to Singapore.  Elder and Sister Peterson accompanied her and they were arriving at Gatwick Airport this morning and needed to be driven to Heathrow Airport to pick up their car.  We were chosen to pick them at 5 am at Gatwick.  4 am comes awful early.  We dressed and made it to the airport in plenty of time to find the plane was delayed for over an 1 1/2.  OHhhh - how we could of used another 2 hours of sleep.  We finally met up with Elder and Sister Peterson.   Elder Peterson is the Area Doctor in England and Scotland and his wife is a gem.  We had a wonderful visit.  We were able to connect with several people that we knew. The drive to the airport was long and slow from the traffic.  We made it home at 10:30 am and Clark took off to go to Tunbridge Wells to get the oil changed and a 10,000 mile check up on the car.  He had made an appointment a few weeks ago and didn't want to miss the appointment.  I went back to work on flats.  I got all my filing done and worked on emails the rest of the day.  I had to notify a landlord that we needed to close a flat.  We had a Tenants Agreement until July 2018.  I email the landlord and explained the situation.   A tender mercy!!! He is willing to work with us and hope we can find a new tenant.  I also got a sewing machine from the Sister DeArdens old flat.  Elder DeKock wants me to fix a pair of paints for him.  Clark not to happy about the machine. 

We were so tired that we came home and took a nap before Institute or we would have never made it.   We stopped at Tesco and bought rolls, meat, chips and brought the rest of the fixings from home.  The sandwiches tasted so good and it was so simple.  We had only six YSA come and many left just after the closing prayer.  Sleep was welcomed even after a nap.

Thursday, 11 January 2018

It was so nice to have a great sleep.  The coughing is almost gone.  Today is a work day.  We got to wear jeans and load the van with old furniture from 57 St. Leonard's Place.   I  (I should say we) have eight flats to close in the next month.  We saw Sister Neilsen and Sister Leavitt's place to see what kind of things we will be moving.  We loaded their table and four chairs to take to missionaries tomorrow.  Elder Wallace and I had rearranged the flat a couple of months ago and got rid of a lot of things.  Little did we know it would be a blessing to us.  We wont have to move a lot of things from their flat.  We went to Blodgetts old flat and loaded a table for us.  The last table we got was junk and one of the leaves kept raising up when someone put their elbows on the table.  Blodgetts had a great sturdy table with a leaf.  Blodgetts don't realize how blessed we have been for their moving to the London Mission- PC computer, rug, table and a few extra things.  We took another load to the rubbish today.   I cleaned the fridge and ice box and part of the kitchen while Clark loaded up the van with an old mattress, table, chairs, and bedding.  We are so grateful the rubbish is so close to us. 

We arrived home and put in a baked potatoes and yams in the oven and left to do Initiatory at the London Temple.  The temple was so slow tonight.  I was the only person in Initiatory and as I was leaving I noticed that no one was in the chapel for the 7 pm session.  The sister in Initiatory had to round up several sister.  They were very short on staff tonight.

We arrived home to a warm house and the smells of baking potatoes.  I fixed a small salad to go with the potatoes and we had an enjoyable dinner.   I was able to do three loads of laundry today and caught up on the ironing that I hadn't done for a week.  Clark volunteered to do dishes while I ironed  his shirts.  I spent and hour writing on the blog.  Time for shuteye as soon as the dryer stops.  Did I ever explain the clothes dryer.  It does not have a vent that runs outside.  The water from the clothes get caught in a long plastic tube.  I have to empty out the water each time I use the dryer. 

I felt today was one of the most productive days I have had for sometime. 


  1. We're so glad you are getting better even though slowly -- we miss your blogs!!! Isn't it wonderful that Clark is big and strong and healthy -- how would the required physical labor necessary be accomplished otherwise? You are both missed and your daily activities make wonderful reading!!!

  2. We are having a hard time adjusting to your absence. No one to go to dinner with and no one with whom we can play Dominoes! It's a bleak existence! :-)


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