Sunday, 31 December 2017

Sunday, 31 December 2017

It is Sunday and the last day of the year!  The Lord has truly blessed Elder Wallace and myself.  We attend the Crawley Ward and enjoyed the sweet and joyous spirit found in attending Sacrament Meeting and other meetings.  The Bishop changed the Primary Presidency and past and present Primary Presidency  had a chance to bare their testimonies.  You could tell each one of the sisters loved the children.  The new Primary President had been teaching in Primary.  Elder Walker and Elder Aguair, he Asisstant to the President, took most of the rest of the time talking about the joy of bringing souls to Christ.  Elder Aguiar from Canada talked about his parents conversion to the gospel.  His father is from Cuba and mother from Russia and they moved to Canada when they 18 years old.  They met the missionaries that taught them the gospel.  His father loved the gospel and his mother loved the organization and the sisterhood and brotherhood.  Elder Walker talked about a gift- a precious gift that you spent time preparing and buying and wanted to give that gift to a special friend but the receiver did not accept the gift.  Much like the gospel - we keep trying to give the gift to friends and loved ones.  Christ gave us the greatest gift of all.  Some accept him in their lives and other don't.

Sunday School was a lesson on what we will be studying  next year - Old Testament.  Brother Mann take about Moses in Moses 1 of the Pearl of Great Price.  He asked questions that made you really think about Moses and the experiences that he had with Christ and Satan. 

After being rejuvenated, we arrived home to set the table for guests, get the gammon in the oven and wrap the baked potatoes.  I made brownies the night before.  Sister Seamans brought rolls and a salad, Sister Lameroux brought veggie tray and Elder and Sister Lingford came.  Lesley (found out the right spelling for Sister Bridgstock) kept coming over to help set the table.  She let me borrow a tablecloth, to wine glasses, black napkins and cloves besides 3 battery operated candles of different sizes.  She even showed me how so set an  English table.  Lesley loves to use the word "posh". 

The dinner was wonderful and we had a lively conversation.  We got to know the Lamerouxs, Lingfords, and Seamans.   We talked of kids, grandkids and even great-grandkids.  Lamerouxs had 14 children and 72 grandchildren.  Seamons has 6 girls with 21 grandchildren and LIngfords 5 children.  I am so blessed for the four wonderful children, four terrific spouses and grandchildren.  The Lord knew what I could handle. 

We received a call from Elder Aguire and Elder Walker in the evening who told us that the London South Mission had reached their goal of 282 baptisms for the year.  Last year they had 201.  The new goal for this year is 340.  Bringing 340 souls to Christ.  I am a believer that the Lord blesses the missionaries when they are faithful in all things and the fruits of their labors were rewarded. It was a tender mercy for our mission to learn that the mission accomplished what they set out to do.  President Gubler is a chosen man  to teach and inspire the missionaries.  He has inspired me!

Well, another tender mercy today!  The Blodgetts let us acquire a PC.  The Blodgetts bought 6 PC for the Visitor Centre and with the VC closing he took back the PC's and let people have them.  It is a Lenovo Ideacentre.  It reminds me of the apple PC where it is all self contained hard drive with a flat screen.  Very appreciative of the Blodgetts and will remember their kindness.  We will take it a computer store to have it wiped clean.  It will be great to work on from home. 

Goodbye to 2017 and can hardly wait to see what 2018 has to hold for Elder Wallace and myself.


  1. We had to look up "gammon," a word we've never before encountered. The word "posh" means expensive, chic, stylish, or classy. The British use it a lot, much like "brilliant." Did you guys get our Christmas card yet? We're glad you have a PC now. They are a little more handy to use than a laptop, although Sister Doyle seems to get by on hers.


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