Sunday, 14 January 2018

Sunday, 14 January 2018

Church at Crawley!  We went to hear Charlie Hadley give her first talk in church.  She talked about prayer and some of her experiences.  She is a very impressive young woman.  I love her dearly.  She is one of our faithful YSA and comes to Institute.  She has a very quiet strength and humility.  We came home and took a nap, visited with all three of our daughters.

Sister Harkness and her son Josh came for dinner with the office elders.  Later we learned that Josh is a heroin addict and Sister Harkness is very worried about him and doesn't know if he will make it.   Elder Palmer will be transferred on Tuesday.  We had an English dinner-roast, mashed potatoes, carrots, string beans and fruit-pineapple and grapes.  We had a small frozen cheese cake for dessert.  It was okay but nothing to write home about. 

Elder Nuenedorf was able to piece together some of the puzzle I have been working on since Christmas.  I am having a terrible time seeing the same colour (English spelling of color) pieces of black.

Elder Wallace and I spent time working on our Institute Lesson for Wednesday night.


  1. We're glad to hear from you again! What was your Wednesday night lesson about?


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